Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The majority say that they do not doubt the existence of God...neither does Satan

The majority of North Americans, and peoples of other nations, say that they do not doubt the existence of God.
ref.: Pew survey: Doubt of God growing quickly among millennials – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Satan and his angels, Eve and Adam did not either doubt the existence of the One Creator God.
...but they chose to be free from Him so that they would be free to do their own will, their self-rights, to know good and evil.

How great is the rejection of the One Creator God and of His Son the Christ, when one claims to know that They exist and yet one embraces and glorifies a way of life which desires to do one's own will, one's own freedom in his self-rights?
....and making Christ into a "religion" among religions and denying the Preeminence of Yahweh, the One and Only Creator God.

"...gay marriage to undermine Church of England" ...but the Queen said...

ref.: BBC News - Church of England warning on gay marriage

"The Church of England has warned that proposals to legalise gay marriage could undermine its status."

This is the result of a belief in which the Head of the Church of England, Queen Elizabeth, declared that the Church of England has "a duty to protect the free practice of all faiths" in the UK."
She also said..."...Church of England has created an environment for other faith communities and indeed people of no faith to live freely...in active co-operation for the common good with those of other faiths."

ALL FAITHS....which is part of the belief in freedom of self-rights....
....and as you can see includes the right for people of the homosexual lifestyle to get married.

Queen Elizabeth is no longer the "Defender of the (ONE) Faith"

...man says that his way is right, and that the WAY of the Creator is not right.

England will reap what it has sown because it has denied the preeminenece of the One True Creator Father and of His Son the Christ.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Is there more than one god? YES...is there Only One Creator? YES

The word "god" is used often in the bible. In many cases it is used as a generic term.
Today, the word god is also used by many as a generic, common, god.

In the bible, we find the Hebrew word for god is "elohim"....which means a 'divine being", a "judge", a "ruler", a "divine majesty and power".
....as you can see this a description that can be also applied to any of man's gods and even to kings, queens, rulers of countries, and leaders of man's many religions.

In the bible we also find another word which has also been translated to mean "god".
But this translation is not just because it does not attribute the specific distinction and identity of the one referred to as God.

This other hebrew word is "Yahweh", from the root word of "havah".
The word "havah" means .....to become
The word "Yahweh" means...
.....I am, I am he who I am
.....the one bringing into being
.....the life giver
.....the giver of existence
.....the absolute
.....the self-consistent

"Yahweh" describes the name, the character, the reputation of the One and Only Creator....who is also our only true judge, true ruler, true majesty.

Why does man and those that claim to follow Christ believe and embrace the way of life which glorifies the righteousness to have the freedom from the One Who gives existence so that we can be free to worship any god/ any "way of life" of one's own choosing and justification as per one's self-interest and self-rights?

How can man say that his way is right and that the WAY of Yahweh is not right?

Yahweh is our ONLY existence and Christ, His Son - the anointed One, is the Only Way to Him.

As servants of Yahweh and of His Son Jesus Christ we are to serve and live only according to the Way of Christ.
....we are servants of our One True King.....we are therefore "not free" to embrace a way that says it is right to worship any other "god".

Friday, 8 June 2012

Does the Holy Spirit embrace the freedom to worship any "god"?

Does the Holy Spirit embrace the way of and belief in freedom of religions?
Does the Holy Spirit of the One God believe it is right to embrace the freedom to worship the "god" of one's choice?
Does the Holy Spirit, when one claims to be "christian", direct one to support, advance, defend the belief that claims that it is right and good for man to worship other "gods" besides the One True Creator Father?

It is written that when one repents and changes his life to follow Christ, the WAY of Life of Christ (the Word of God), that one receives the Holy Spirit from the Creator Father....because we are with Him (Only Him) and He is with us.

This Holy Spirit is from the One and Only Creator God.
This Helper is here with us to help us live the life of Christ, that we serve the One and Only God...
.... that we do the will of the One God and not the will of a "god" that believes that it is right to worship any belief and way of life that man has justified to be "right".

Confession of the Jews…our king , our god is Caesar

A king represents the belief of a kingdom. A king rules his kingdom according to his belief. Those in his kingdom serve him according to his belief and way of life.

Caesar was worshipped as king and as a god, for his way of life and his belief was declared to be right.

Caesar also accepted that religions be practised as long as the people recognized him as their king and as a god…to whom they were to give tribute.

In John19:15…even though Pilate did not see Christ as a criminal worthy of death, the Jews cried out for Christ to be crucified.
Pilate then says to them “Shall I crucify your king?”
The chief priests (the spiritual leaders of the Jewish nation) answered…”We have no king but Caesar!”
…so Pilate delivered Christ to the Jews to be crucified.

It is clear here that the Jews embraced another king and another god before and above the Creator Father and His Son the Christ.

They preferred to serve the way of Caesar ( as king and god) than to serve the God of the fathers.

Today this is seen in Israel, for the leaders of that nation , Mr. Netanyahu and others, have publicly declared that Israel is not a nation of the One True God but that it lives by and worships the belief in the righteousness to worship any god/ any religion…in freedom of self-rights and freedom of religions.

Today, Israel worships the way of life of the leader of the free world, of the modern day Caesar who has advanced his “god of fortresses” to all nations…establishing what is “right for man – human rights”…even declaring that it is right for people of the homosexual lifestyle to get married.

Today, as in the past, the Jews say that we have no king (no god) but Caesar.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Satan believes in the RELIGION of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Atheism, Buddhism,etc

Satan…the adversary of God…believes in all these religions, because there is one primary common universal generic belief and way of life shared by each and every individual that worships one or the other of these religions….and this belief is to live according to one’s own self-rights and self-interest.

Today this belief is advanced as the way of freedom of rights, which includes the freedom of ALL RELIGIONS, the freedom of any lifestyle, the freedom for one’s self-defined happiness, the freedom of expression for oneself and against others, the freedom of sexual rights, etc.

This is the belief and way of life that Satan advanced to Eve, telling her that she would be free to establish for oneself “good and evil”…what is right in one’s own eyes.
…in other words to be free FROM the One True Creator God so as to be free to serve one’s own interests, one’s own “rights”…..saying even that she would be like “a god” and that she surely would not die…negating the warning from God that she would die.
....she worshipped this "god of fortresses" above the True God.
...she worshipped this image instead of the Truth of God
...she received willingly mark of this way on her hand and on her forehead

Christ (the Anointed One from God) the Son of God who is like Him did not come to start the “Christian RELIGION”. He said that He is the WAY….the One True Way of Life….this also means that any other way(s) is not the truth according to the righteousness of the Father.

It is written….that man says that the WAY of life of God is not right…that, instead, the way(s) of man is right.

Satan tried to deceive Christ when he brought Him on top of the tallest mountain. Satan said to Christ that he would give all kingdoms to Christ if Christ would only bow down to him, do his will.

Satan was in effect saying that man could worship Christ as king, but as long as the Christ that they would worship would be the one that represents and defines Satan’s way of life… an existence in which one believes in the freedom to serve one’s own interests, one’s own rights, one’s own will.

But Christ said that we are to serve the One and Only Creator God, to do His Will and Only His Will…that we are to live only by the Word of God…to love the One True God with all of our being and to love our neighbor…rejecting any way which denies the preeminence of the Creator Father and of His Son the Christ as our Savior and as the One and Only King.

When Christ will return….it will be only be the WAY of God.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Queen gives thanksgiving....to which "god"?

ref.: BBC News - Diamond Jubilee: Queen attends Westminster Hall lunch

One of the titles of Queen Elizabeth is "The Defender of the Faith".
In her coronation, she gave oath to serve the One Creator God and to serve His Son the Christ, the One King of kings.

Her authority as queen came from her oath to Christ, and none other.
She pledged to be faithful to Him and Only Him.

However, the queen has recently declared her belief that the Church of England has "a duty to protect the free practice of all faiths" in the UK."

Her other words...
"....pay tribute to the particular mission of Christianity and the general value of faith..."
"...how much we owe the nine major religious traditions..."
"...They are sources of a rich cultural heritage...these traditions are also contemporary families of faith..."
"...Many of the values and ideas we take for granted in this and other countries originate in the ancient wisdom of our traditions."
"...Church of England has created an environment for other faith communities and indeed people of no faith to live freely...in active co-operation for the common good with those of other faiths."

ref.:BBC News - Queen highlights Church of England's duty to all faiths
The Queen's speech at Lambeth Palace, 15 February 2012

It seems that she is now giving thanksgiving to the "god" that represents ALL FAITHS, denying the Preeminence of the One and Only God.

There is only One Creator God, and Christ is the Only True Way of Life.

...all other faiths are MAN MADE , established for their self-interest.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Tibetan monks self-immolate for freedom of rights, for the image of the beast.

ref.: BBC News - Self-immolations shake Tibetan resolve

"...when suddenly two monks ran down the street in flames. One was holding a Tibetan flag and shouting for freedom of religion and for the return of the Dalai Lama."

And it is written that all will receive (will embrace) the mark (the character/identity/belief) of the beast ( the world ruling way of life) on their hand ( their way of work) OR on their forehead (their belief, their way of life).

It is clear that these Buddhist monks are willing to "burn themselves, to commit suicide" in the name of freedom...for the "god of freedom of self-rights"...placing this way above their "traditional Buddhist god".

When Christ returns as King of the earth, bringing with Him the One True Way of Life from the One and Only God, how many of the "religions" will protest, self immolate, and go against the One True God because of their love for their self-interest freedom to live according to their own will?