Sunday, 26 February 2012

Netanyahu stressed that all faiths have freedom of worship in Jerusalem

re."Netanyahu stressed in his comments that all faiths have freedom of worship in Jerusalem."
Israel’s prime minister condemns Palestinian president for inciting with Jerusalem speech - The Washington Post

Jerusalem now represents another belief (religion) which all nations worship.
It is not Christianity, nor Judaism, nor is the belief in freedom of rights and religions.

As Mr. Netanyahu said, "that all faiths have the freedom to worship in Jerusalem"...even the beliefs that deny that Christ is the Son of the One Creator God.

The belief in freedom of rights is the one world belief and way of life worshipped by all nations. It is the belief that protects all "religions". It is the belief that neither discrimates against nor gives preference to any "personal faith". It is the "king of fortresses" as spoken of by Daniel.

And most importantly, it is also the belief that denies the preeminence of the One and Only Creator God, and denies His specific identity through His Son the Christ, the One and Only True Way of Life. Israel has has no official religion.....but it does have one official way of life and belief...the belief in freedom of rights and religions.

And they and all of mankind, and those who claim to be religious "Christians", will be judged for their their worship of the image of the beast.

Christ said to repent for He will come as a thief (in the eyes of man and those who only speak His name)...unwanted and unexpected for they will say that they are abundant and rich and have not need of anything.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

ref.:CNN "Santorum "Obama leads with a different theology"" ...not really.

President Obama's first and foremost belief is freedom of rights and freedom of religions...his "personal faith religion" belief is, as claimed, Christianity.
Mr. Santorum's first and foremost belief is also freedom of rights and freedom of religions...his "personal faith religion" belief, is as claimed, also Christianity.

The belief in freedom of religions dictates that no "religion" , including any form of Christianity, will be discriminated against nor will it be given any preferential treatment.
...therefore all "religions" have the same equal rights....this also means that "Christian religions" do not have any more rights than, for example, the Jewish religion, the Muslim religion, the atheist belief, etc.

President Obama is advancing in the world and in the US the belief in equality of rights and universal values, i.e the spirit of humanity.

The True and Only God and His Son the Christ are considered to be a "religion amongst all other religions", without preeminence and equal to any other "personal faith belief".

Mr. Santorum, should he become president, will also dictate and live the same primary and core belief as that of President Obama...because otherwise the people, the religions, of the USA will not accept any discrimanatory treament against their "religions" nor accept any preferential treatment of say Mr. Santorum's "personal faith religion".

Many speak of God but few, if any, have Him in their heart. None confesses to the world that there is One and Only One True Creator God , whose Son the Christ is the Only True Way of Life....
...I am sure That President Obama will not make this confession in word and action, because he would not be reelected.
...I am sure that Mr. Santorum would not either make this confession in word and action, because he would not be elected.

It seems that other things in life are more important than the One True God and His Son The Christ.

However, there is only one truth and reality , which will be brought to us at the return of Christ.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Interfaith Relations vs Intermarital Relations

All religions are saying that interfaith relations is good and right. That it is an embracement of the belief in freedom of rights and freedom of religions. That it reflects universal values.

All married men and women say that intermarital relations are good and right.
.....correction - ....married men and women do not believe that intermarital relations are good and right!

No married man who loves his wife believes in the freedom and right for his wife to seek out intermarital relations.
No married woman who loves her husband believes in the freedom and right for her husband to seek out intermarital relations.

Is not the church (called out ones) of Christ His bride, to be wed (joined) to Him at His return?

Why is it then that those many who claim to follow Christ, as Savior, King, and Son of God, believe that it is right and good to have "intermarital relations" with the belief that embraces the validity and existence of any and all "gods"?

Christ died and was resurrected for those who follow Him...and we are to follow and serve Him and Only Him.

There is no common ground, universal value, generic "god" between The One Christ and the false belief in self-rights which justifies all man-made "gods", religions, lifestyles, and definitions of self-happiness.

Religions Embrace the Freedom not to Pay Taxes

Being yoked to "Caesar" and his way of life.

Given the belief in equality of rights, freedom of rights, why is it that religious institutions, whether they be Catholic, Protestant, SDA, Jehovah, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc., embrace the opportunity not to pay taxes on their non religious properties, religious properties, commercial revenues, or on their revenue from offerings / titihing etc.?

….The Roman General Church presently owns about 20% of all property in Italy!
… Italy's Catholic Church has 110,000 properties, worth about 9bn euros (about $11.8bn)!
… which includes shopping centers and a range of residential property!

How much commercial income does the General Church and all other religions receive for which they do not pay taxes?

How much property taxes are they not paying?
…..well the Roman General Church, alone in Italy, was exempt from paying some $945 million per year.

How much religious income (offerings, etc.) taxes are they not paying?

…and yet the “religions” can easily purchase and get financing for large properties, huge buildings, vehicles. Etc….because the banks know that their “incomes” are large and secure.
...they also use their massive non-taxable incomes and property wealth to advance, promote, defend, lobby their belief in freedom of religion and self-rights.

All these “faiths” claim to be “religions” ( incorporated one’s at that) and that they believe in separation of church (religion) and state….yet, however, it seems right to them that they should have preferential taxation treatment vs any other person or corporation? Did not Christ say to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s…i.e.the taxes?

Man's belief in democracy & freedoms of religions clearly implies that the state is not to discriminate against any “religion” nor is it to show “preferential treatment” for any religious institution.

According to man’s higher belief in freedom of rights and equality, this belief also implies that there should not be any discrimination of or preference for who (person or corporation) should be taxed and who should not be taxed….all should be taxed equally….is this not what President Obama and the majority of people are saying with regards to the rich and the average person?

They only explanation is that the "religions" want to be yoked or be in obligation to Caesar, as the Roman General Church has been from the time of its conception by Caesar Constantine and throughout history under the rulership of the other empires. This means to live according to and to be in service to man's way of life. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why they advance and promote the belief in freedom of rights and religions,interfaith relations, and universal values... denying Christ as the One Only Way to the Father and not confessing that the Creator God is the One and Only God.

Christ said to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to give to God what is God’s

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

"Queen highlights Church of England's duty to all faiths"

"Queen highlights Church of England's duty to all faiths"

Ref.:"Queen highlights Church of England's duty to all faiths" BBC, Feb.15,2012
BBC News - Queen highlights Church of England's duty to all faiths
The Queen's speech at Lambeth Palace, 15 February 2012

"The Queen has spoken of her belief that the Church of England has "a duty to protect the free practice of all faiths" in the UK."

Her other words...
" tribute to the particular mission of Christianity and the general value of faith..."
" much we owe the nine major religious traditions..."
"...They are sources of a rich cultural heritage...these traditions are also contemporary families of faith..."
"...Many of the values and ideas we take for granted in this and other countries originate in the ancient wisdom of our traditions."
"...Church of England has created an environment for other faith communities and indeed people of no faith to live active co-operation for the common good with those of other faiths."
"...Faith plays a key role ...providing not only a system of belief but also a sense of belonging. It can act as a spur for social action. "

Queen Elizabeth , who was supposedly coronated under the proclaimed authority of the One Creator God and of His Son the Christ, has today said that Christ has the duty to protect all faiths!
(*********but don't the other "faiths" deny Christ as the Son of God?

...that the people in England owe much to the 9 major religious traditions."
...that many of the values originated in the ancient wisdoms of these traditions"
(********* is Christ and the One Creator God a "tradition"?)

"...for people of all faiths and those of no faith to live freely and in cooperation for the common values with all faiths."
It seems that Christ and the belief in freedom of rights/religion are one and the same according to Queen Elizabeth.

Blasphemy!!!..and denial of the One Truth.
...for there is One and Only One True God....for Christ is the One and Only True Way of Life.

Queen Elizabeth is a hypocrite, bowing down to the "god of fortresses".

Note also, that not once did she refer to the God as the One Creator Father, that not once did she refer to Christ as the Son of God, the One Savior, the Only True Way.....and supposedly she was coronated under their Names and gave oath to serve Them and Only Them.

The return of Christ is soon at hand...One King of Kings...One Kingdom...ruled with a rod of iron...One True Way of love for the One Father and in love for the other in God's righteousness

Saturday, 11 February 2012

ref.: “Evangelicals added weight to Catholic outcry for religious rights over Obama contraception rule”

“Evangelicals added weight to Catholic outcry over Obama contraception rule”
By Eric Marrapodi, CNN, Feb.11, 2012

“"I'm not a Catholic," California megachurch pastor Rick Warren wrote on his Twitter feed Tuesday, "but I stand in 100% solidarity with my brothers & sisters to practice their belief against govt pressure."
(a note...interesting reference to brothers and sisters in the belief in freedom of religion)
"I'd go to jail rather than cave in to a government mandate that violates what God commands us to do," Warren tweeted this week. "Would you?
Acts 5:29." i.e. "We must obey God rather than men."”

Mr. Warren’s allegiance seems to be first and foremost to the belief in freedom of religion, which says that one is free from any authority ( including the One and Only God and His Son the Christ) so as to be free to worship any “god”/ “religion” as per one’s self-interest.

Mr. Warren has stated that he is even ready to go to jail for this "violation" in the belief in freedom of religion, since he believes and has publicly confessed that this right to freedom to worship any god came from the One and Only God. …contradiction and hypocracy!
...and I am sure, that if Mr. Warren would be arrested, that Mr. Warren's lawyers would very quickly defend his right to practice his "religion" based on the belief in the freedom of any religion.. I am also sure that his stay in jail would be quite short.

“Samuel "Dub" Oliver, the president of East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, Texas, said in an interview Thursday that he was willing and ready to go to jail rather than comply with the policy because he said it would violate his school's religious liberty. "In the long history of Baptist leaders, we feel strongly about religious liberty," he said. "Many have gone to jail and many have died defending religious liberty for all."….. While his university's health center provides oral contraceptives, or the birth control pill, it does not provide emergency contraceptives. "We specifically exclude those, because according to our conscience, that's an abortifacient…””

Mr. Samuel Oliver also gives allegiance to the belief in freedom of religion and is also ready to go to jail in defense of this confession.

…it is interesting to note that it is ok for his university to provide oral contraceptives but not emergency contraceptives. It seems that it is ok for the young university women to protect themselves from pregnancies during their sexual activities. It seems that the sin of fornication is acceptable as long as it does not produce pregnancies. Hypocricy!

Not once did Mr. Warren or Mr. Oliver confess to the public, to the media, that there is ONE AND ONLY ONE CREATOR GOD, THAT CHRIST IS THE SON OF THIS ONE AND ONLY GOD, AND THAT CHRIST IS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE WAY OF LIFE…..that there are no other gods (which the belief in freedom of rights and religion supports)….that there is no other “righteous” way of life.
NOT ONCE!….but instead they confessed their allegiance to the belief in freedom of rights and religion and that they are ready to go to jail for it.

They speak of God in their words but He is not in their hearts.
…many will come to Christ at His return, saying we have spoken Your Name, saying that we have healed in Your Name, saying that we have cast out demons in Your Name….and Christ will say “I do not know you”, you who are workers of lawlessness ( in the eyes of Christ and the Father).

..and yes, we must obey the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD , THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE WAY OF LIFE THROUGH HIS SON THE CHRIST, and not man’s way of life.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

ref.: "is Obama losing the Catholic vote?"...He is gaining the "equality" vote

"Is Obama losing the Catholic vote?"
by Eric Marrapodi and Brianna Keilar, CNN, Feb 1, 2012
ref.: Is Obama losing the Catholic vote? – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

President Obama is not losing the Catholic vote, President Obama is gaining the freedom of rights / equality vote.

Each and every American believes first and foremost in their "rights".
Religion is one of these rights, one from among many others, which people worship.

The belief in freedom and equality of religion applies to each and every religion, without discrimination or preference because , under this belief, each religion is considered to be equal in validity, existence, and worship.

Also...Under the belief in freedom of rights...People's health rights are just as valid as people's religious rights. People's rights to "contraceptives" and safe sex ( right to self-happiness and well being) are just as valid as the rights of the Catholics to their religion.

The belief in freedom of rights and religion also dictates that there is no one true God, that there is no one Preemienet God, it states that Christ is not the Only True Way of Life.

...But this the Catholic leaders do not protest...because they (as well as all Christian church leaders,as well as the Jews, as well as the Muslims, as well as the atheists, as well as all other "religious" leaders) all worship first and foremost the belief in their freedom of self-rights.