Thursday, 29 December 2011

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Obama...time to advance the spirit of humanity

“Say: O People of the Scripture (Jews/Christians)! Come to a common word between us and you: that we shall worship none but God…” (Aal ‘Imran 3:64)

Mr. Ratzinger…
… prayed for “…renewed vigor for all elements of society in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East as they strive to advance the common good.”
...said… “Jesus Christ had brought to the world a universal message of reconciliation and peace.”


Mr. Oren..."Israel does not have an official religion...". Israel believes in and lives by self-rule and freedom of religion.

President Obama (Leader of the Free World)

"And while we worship in different ways, we also remember the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all – Jews and Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike,"

“The traditional divisions between nations of the north and south make no sense.” “The time has come that old arguments are irrelevant, they build up walls between us and the future that our people seek.”

“The time has come for those walls to come down.”
“…To build a new coalition of different faiths and creeds, of north and south, and between nations.”

“A generation that comes together to serve the common interests of human beings.” “This is the future America wants...future of peace.”

...all are God’s children...the right of every human being to live with dignity and security. That is the lesson embedded in the three great faiths and in the Holy Land."

“Now it falls to us to advance the interests of the people we serve.”

“We call on all nations to join us to build the future that our people deserve.”




And the dragon will speak words as of light a lamb.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Hypocrisy of the SDA...helping all religions find a common ground

Did not God command, via the first three commandments, the Israelis, who were a people who did not love God, not to accept any other “belief/god”?
Did not Christ teach the disciples to love the One and Only God with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength? This means that we are not to embrace any other belief, as Christ did not compromise with any other belief, not even with the Jews who claimed to serve the God of Abraham.

What is disconcerting is that the 7th Day Adventist Church believes in, advocates, and promotes the belief in the freedom of religion, via PARL and IRLA.

<...Since 1901, the Department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) has represented the Seventh-day Adventist Church to governments, religious bodies, and international organizations. By supporting, protecting and defending religious freedom and human rights for all people everywhere, PARL speaks for the church on public affairs and shares Adventist values of freedom of worship and belief. In addition to its function at the General Conference, PARL operates offices on Capitol Hill for representative work to the U.S. Congress, and also in New York City for United Nations liaison.

Conducting congresses, conferences, and other events worldwide to promote religious freedom, inter-faith dialogue, and human rights, PARL helps develop crucial understanding between government officials and religious leaders of all persuasions.

PARL also sponsors, on behalf of the church, the International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA), a non-sectarian organization dedicated to the cause of religious freedom. Seventh-day Adventist leaders were the first to organize such an association, which serves as an umbrella for many regional and national religious liberty affiliates around the world. These connections bring involvement from Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Baptist, Mormon and many other religious persuasions, working together for the religious freedom of all.

The Adventist church is committed to the principle meaning of religious freedom: The differences in religions, throughout the world, should be respected. What we choose to believe and how we choose to worship should be according to the dictates of our conscience. The IRLA continues to defend the right to religious freedom worldwide, by helping all religions find a common ground.>
(ref. SDA / PARL statement of belief)

If one embraces the core belief that we are to love Our Father, and Him Only, how can one accept or promote a belief that dictates that it is right to worship other beliefs/gods as per one’s choice? Is this not what Adam and Eve did when they embraced the tree of knowledge of good and evil and determined, in their own eyes, that its fruit was pleasant and “good”?

I believe that there is One True Way and that Christ is the Only Way to Our Father and Creator. There is no compromise on this. This is a real True Way of life, to be lived as a witness to mankind and against man’s way and belief, which is the way of Satan. Our Father is not to be categorized into a religion among religions, not to be made subject to man’s belief. He does not need to be protected beneath the umbrella belief of freedom of rights and freedom of religion, for when Christ returns as King of kings it will be God’s Way and Only His Way that will be way of life.

Some Christians say that it will be that way when the kingdom is set up....this is a man’s justification...however the Holy Spirit is here now and therefore the true Christians are to live according to the True Way now!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

"...and Him Only you shall serve."

It is not unexpected, but disappointing, to see how man uses his wisdom and beliefs to apply scripture to defend his interpretation of God's teaching.

I have seen this "wisdom" used to promote and justify the right (the human right, freedom of religion) to worship any god / religion of man's choosing.

Satan tried to deceive our Lord Jesus Christ when Jesus was in the desert for 40 days. At the end of these 40 days, when Jesus was starving and close to death, Satan used this desperate situation of personal need to tempt Christ several times.

Knowing that Jesus was the Son of God, the adversary challenged and taunted Jesus to yield to the belief in the desire to serve one’s own will/interest/rights by using "scripture" in confronting Him with the conditional statement of “...If you are the Son of God, then command that these stones become bread”. Jesus, instead, stood fast in the service to God and said (Matthew 4:4) “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but will live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”.

Again, atop the highest mountain (i.e. most pwerful kingdom), Satan offered to give to Jesus all the kingdoms on the earth as long as Jesus would bow down to Satan. Satan, in effect, was saying that it would be acceptable to him to allow all of mankind to worship Jesus Christ, for Jesus to be “King of Kings”, as long as Jesus would serve Satan as a "god" above the Creator. Jesus refused this attempt by Satan to be lured into self-glorification " (the right to rule as king), and said... for it is written “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.

Finally, Satan tried to test Christ’s belief in God, to create doubt, by daring Christ to throw himself off the temple wall, thus forcing Christ to see if God’s word would really save Him from death. Again, Christ’s faith was true to God and He rebuked Satan.

It is clear that Christ confessed that man is not to serve any other "god / way of life/ religion" and that we are to serve Only the One True God and that we are to live our life by every Word that comes from the mouth of this One and Only God.

Our faith is to be true to Our Father, without doubt or exception.

Satan, however, has successfully used his powerful deception on man. Man has fully embraced the way of self will and self-rights without realizing that he is now serving the will of Satan. It is not important to Satan what recognized religion you follow (professing Christians included) or don’t follow, as long as the priority belief is to do it for a self-justified, self-serving reason.
Our Lord said in Matthew 24:24 that the signs and wonders (this deception) performed by false christs and false prophets would also be able, if possible (since powerful), to deceive even the elect. Jesus Christ warned “professing Christians” of the dire result of prioritizing this self-righteous “lawlessness” as seen in Matthew 7: 21-23.

God’s desire is for man to embrace and to do His will, which is absolute love for God first and for those around us, and to receive the gift of eternal life. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, summarized well this choice on the Mount of Olives prior to his capture, torture, death, and resurrection.
His words were: Mathew 26:42, Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42;

“Father, if it is Your will, remove this cup from Me;

nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”

.....which He did as an act of sacrifice, love, and forgiveness for those who repent and follow Him.

Please note that when Christ will return to earth He will do so as King of kings. This also means that there will be only one way of life, one belief. This also means that there will not be any belief in freedom of religion and any freedom of rights. As God’s Holy Spirit is here now, we are also, NOW, to serve Christ as King.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

The True God did not give "human rights" to Adam.

Did God give the "human right" to Adam and Eve to take of the "tree of knowledge of good and evil"?....He did not...but man chose to take it!

Our Creator told them that they were forbidden to do so and , if they were to take of it, the consequence would be death....because the will of man, the will of Satan, can lead only to death.

Our witness is to Love the One and Only Creator God and to love our love our neighbor, as defined by the truth and righteousness of what God has established to be good and not as per man's definition of what is "good and evil".

People seem to believe that man's definition of what is right (the right of humans - human rights) has preemninence over what the Creator God has defined to be righteous, which Christ showed us with His Life.

It is clear in God's Word, in the words and life of Christ, that we are to do God's Will and not ours....for man's will (Satan's will) gives priority to man to define his "rights" for his own interests, for his own desires,for his own "gods".

But there is Only One True Way of Life, Christ, the Son of the One and Only God.
...all else is a lie.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Building a "Muscular Democracy"

The United States and all democracies believe in freedom of rights for ALL. They believe in human rights, freedom of religioin rights, life style rights, happiness rights, etc.
This belief says that "Christians" have the right to follow the "Christian religion".
This belief says that "Muslims" have the right to follow the "Islam religion".
This belief says that Jews have the right to follow the "Judaic religion".
This belief says that atheists have the right to follow a "belief / religion" that says that there is no True God.
This belief also says that "homosexuals" have the right to follow their justified way of life. long as you believe in freedom of rights, it does not matter if you disagree with the other "sub beliefs". All rights are protected....yours and theirs.

President Obama, his democrats, and the republicans all believe in this way of life and they have signed a bill to defend these "freedoms of rights" for ALL and advance, glorify, and enforce this way of life on all who are against it.

This bill is a part of the foundation of creating a "muscular democracy" as referred to Prime Minister Cameron.

This bill not be used against anyone who believes that their "religion" is part of their belief in freedom of rights and religion.

This bill will be used against anyone who stands and confesses that there is a belief and way of life above this "god of fortresses" called freedom of self-rights.

This bill will be used against anyone who claims and confesses that there is Only One True God, Only One Righteousness, Only One True Way of Life, that Christ is this One Way.

......such a confession will be seen as anti-human rights, as anti freedom of rights, as anti freedom of religious rights.....
.....because there cannot be any other god except for the One Creator God.
.....because there cannot be any other Way to Him except for Christ, the Son of this Living and True God, the Christ who is our only way of reconciliation and hope and salvation, the Christ who WILL RETURN to rule the earth according to the WILL of the One and Only Creator God.

The mark on the hand or the forehead is the belief in and way of life of freedom of self-rights, man's establishment of what is right, universal and interfaith values.
Signs are clear that this way is being embraced by all and that any who oppose it are being pressured to conform....and they are witnessed in the world by people, cultures, nations, government leaders, and "religious" leaders.

The light of the One Truth is being darkened by man and soon man will go forth to extinguish it. (trumpets 3,4,5 and bowl 3,4,5)
Many have and will compromise and glorify another love instead of their first love .
Some will confess the One Truth and be killed for it.
The Light will be put out by man.
...but Christ will return.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

A Better Way to Peace than the Belief in Human Rights

Yes, killing people is hate. Hating people is sin.
...but is there not a better way to stop this than each one living by the belief in "self-rights, human rights, freedom of rights"...a belief that denies the Preeminence of the One True God and His Christ?

Is not the Way of the True God, the Way of Life of Christ the better way to stop hate and killing. For each one to love, in the goodness of the truth, his neighbor, to do God's will?

If each one were to do God's Will, love the True God, to love their neighbor instead of loving their "own rights" would not there be True peace and righteousness for all of creation of man?

The belief in "self-rights" will never bring true peace because someone will always justify their "right" to kill, to go to war, to steal, to lie, to fornicate, and to worship the "god" of their own justification. The belief in "self-rights" will only lead to conflict and death.

...The pharasees ( supposedly men of God) have justified that it was "right" to lie against and kill Christ. People have also justified that it was right to persecute and kill the apostles and the disciples.

...and one day, soon, man will use this belief in " freedom of rights, human rights, universal values" to justify the "righteousness" of persecuting and killing those who confess that there is Only One True God and that Christ is the Only True Way of Life.

As followers of Christ, we are to witness to the One Truth in rejecting man's way and confessing the One True Way, Christ.

Some have implied that we must then force this upon others. Christ did not force this on anyone, nor did the apostles. You cannot force anyone to "love" the True God.
We are to confess and witness the One True Way of Life in our life, works, words, and love for other "people", without acknowledging,accepting, or justifying their "actions of sin" against the One True Way of Life.

Soon Christ will return to bring an end to the belief in self rights and will put in place the kingdom, the One Way, of God, the true way of peace.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Silence? from "religious leaders" on the belief that "gay rights=human rights".

Recently Secretary of State Clinton proclaimed that gay rights are human rights and that human rights are gay rights. This was initiated by President Obama. Prime Minister Cameron has also made a declaration supporting this belief. This belief is now being forced to the extent that foreign aid money (for food and medicine) is being threatened to be withheld if the laws of that government are anti gay rights.

(Ref. Apostle John (words of Christ)…and those that do not have the mark, name, or number on their hands or on their foreheads will not be able to buy or sell…)

It is strange to see that, to date, there has not been a public condemnation of this proclamation by any of the head religious leaders, whether it be from Christian, Muslim, Judaic, or other “religious” leaders, since it is clearly outlined in their ”religions” that homosexuality is a “sin”. How much more blatant does it need to be?

(…and yet, however, the leader of the “Catholic” church recently made a statement to the world that there should be reconciliation between and respect of rights of those that follow “Catholicism” and those that follow the religion of “Voodoo”.)

It is clear that the reason that they have kept silent is that they all worship, first and foremost, the belief in freedom of rights, freedom of religion….human and universal rights and values…..the righteousness in man’s eyes and not the Will of the One and Only Creator God, who’s True Way of Life is through Christ, His Son.

It is clear that they do not dare stand against the belief in “human rights” because they themselves believe in it and depend on it for “growing” their church membership.

Since they will not stand against “human rights” they will neither stand against “gay rights” or the rights of any other belief and way of life, especially when it is proclaimed by the leader of the "free world".

Their silence is an act of approval of the words and belief of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton….an act of approval of the “god of fortresses” that glorifies the will of man above and before the Will of the One Creator God.

However, there is Only One Truth, One True Way of Life, One Christ, One True Creator Father. The reality of this truth will become evident at the return of Christ as King of Kings, to rule the earth…not according to the belief in human rights…but according to the One Truth…to love Our Father with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength…and to love, in the righteousness of the True God, our neighbor….and this way will be enforced with the “rod of iron”.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Obama, Clinton...their first worship is not Christ but the belief in self-rights

Ref.: “Clinton, Obama promote gay rights as human rights around the world”…By Elise Labott, CNN, updated 4:44 PM EST, Tue December 6, 2011

"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton challenged nations around the world Tuesday to recognize that "gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights," building on an order by President Barack Obama directing all U.S. agencies to "promote and protect" the rights of gay people."

"In an impassioned defense of such rights, Clinton called the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people "universal"…”. “Clinton said religious beliefs and cultural practices are no excuse for discriminating or tolerating violence against gay people.”

No practice or tradition trumps the human rights that belong to all of us…”

Obama said in his memorandum…"Our deep commitment to advancing the human rights of all people is strengthened when we as the United States bring our tools to bear to vigorously advance this goal,".

President Obama recently stated that the teachings of Christ were at the center of his Christian faith. Secretary of State Clinton also professes to follow the” Christian faith”. It is clear that their “faiths” are just that, personal “religious” relationships with Christ for their own “spiritual” needs.

However, when it comes time to confess that Christ is the Only Way of Life, and Son of the Only Creator God, then it becomes very clear that their first, primary, and core belief is another way of life…the way of life that believes in one’s own self-rights, a way of life in which the Will of Our Creator Father is discarded and replaced by man’s will to decide for himself what is right in his own eyes.

It is clear that not only is homosexuality (men knowing men) against the Will of Our Creator and against the purpose and well being of His Creation, but that also fornication, adultery, lying, stealing, greed, and vanity are against His Will. It is also clear from God’s Word and the teachings and sacrifice of Christ that the belief in freedom of religion is a blasphemy against Our Creator. Freedom of religion states that it is right for man to worship any “god”, any religion…even making Christ into one of these “religious” choices.

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are hypocrites. The lovers of self-rule are also hypocrites. The belief in self-rights, freedom of rights is a blasphemy against the One True Way of Life, Christ, and against the One True Creator Father.

There is and can be Only One True Way of Life. There is and can be Only One Creator God.

It will not be man’s will that will be done on earth, but the Will of God that will be done on earth as in heaven.

The signs are showing that the time is at hand.