Sunday, 20 November 2011

The "pontiff" called for reconciliation with the "religion of Voodoo"

Ref.: BBC News, Nov 20.2011…..“The pontiff called for reconciliation as he addressed the Friendship Stadium in Cotonou, Benin's main city in the heartland of the Voodoo religion.”...

..."On Saturday, the second day of his visit to Benin, the Pope travelled to the city of Ouidah where he called for respect for traditional beliefs…” (ref. to the religion of Voodoo which is recognised as an official religion in Benin, followed by some 40% of the population).

Mr. Ratzinger, who supposedly follows Christ, the Only Way of Truth and the Son of the One and Only Creator God, calls out for reconciliation and respect between the traditional “religions” of Christianity and Voodoo.

Mr. Ratzinger is compromising on the Preeminence of Christ and The Creator Father in order to live according to the belief in freedom of religion / freedom of rights.

Christ did not come to bring reconciliation and respect between “religious beliefs”…the truth of Christ brings division because there is no other “religion” to reconcile with…the truth is there is only One Creator God and One Way to Him, Christ. All other beliefs / religions are man made and are an affront to Our Creator Father.

When Christ returns to rule the earth will there be respect of and reconciliation with the religion of voodoo? NO. is clear that the “first love” of Mr. Ratzinger is not Christ but another way, which embraces the father of the belief in the servitude to one’s own self-rights.

Which "god" directed Mr. Cain to run for the presidency?

ref.:The gospel according to Herman Cain, By Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor, Nov. 19, 2011

Herman Cain (and others) claim God as the voice that directed him to run for the presidency.

"...Herman Cain did not want to run for president. He did not want to be president. But God told him to." Mr. Cain quote...“When I finally realized that this was God saying what I needed to do, I was like Moses. ‘You got the wrong man, Lord! Are you sure?’ Now, you're not supposed to doubt God. But I'm going, ‘I think maybe you're looking at somebody else.’” "Cain announced his candidacy for president in January."

"To be sure, Cain is hardly the only candidate who has said that God wants him or her to run for president. Rick Perry and Bachmann have expressed similar sentiments."

According to Mr. Cain’s religious faith, this “God”, who is the God of Christ, claims Himself to be the One and Only Creator and to whom Christ, His Son, is the One and Only Way.

This means that there is no other “god” or “religion” that is recognized or acceptable to this Creator God, since it is clearly written that He is the Only One.

Mr. Cain claims that this God directed him to run for the office of the presidency. This may be true.

If Mr. Cain believes in this One True God and His Christ, will Mr. Cain then confess publicly (now and when he should become president), in word and way of life, that there is no other “god” and that all of man’s religions and beliefs are false?

Will Mr. Cain also declare that the desire for and belief in freedom of religion is also of man’s self-righteousness, since it embraces, justifies, and acknowledges the existences of many "gods and religions” as per one’s interest and personal / traditional choice

Will Mr. Cain also declare that the belief in and desire for freedom of rights is a way of life that denies the Preeminence of the One and Only Creator God and of His Son the Christ, man’s Savior, the Only Way to Him, and coming King to rule the earth according to the One True Way?

….probably not….because Mr. Cain’s first love is not Christ but his desire to serve his self-interests…..perhaps the “god” that really spoke to Mr. Cain was the one that is the father of the belief in serving one’s self-interest.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

President Obama, Bob Jones, Franklin Graham worship "different Christs"

Ref.: "Bob Jones III latest Christian leader to doubt Obama's Christianity" By Dan Gilgoff, Religion Editor, Nov.14, 2011

President Obama, Bob Jones, and Franklin Graham all have different views of "Christ" and the "Christian religion" because they all treat Christ as a "religion". A religion amongst other religions, to be worshipped as per "one's personal choice of faith" for one's desires of self righteousness.

What is common amongst these men is that they all live by their belief in and desire for freedom of self-rights, freedom of religion, freedom of lifestyle, freedom of speech....all to be determined according what each establishes to be right....the "god of fortresses".

The fact is that there is One Creator God, One path of salvation through Christ His Son, One Truth and Will and One true way of life.
.....the other path, the way that man has glorified to be right and good, leads to the end of existence.

The return of Christ is at hand...and man will reject this truth for love of his way.

Monday, 14 November 2011

President Obama uses free enterprise to force China

ref: "Obama touts cooperation with Asia, calls out China" By the CNN Wire Staff updated 5:40 AM EST, Mon November 14, 2011

Obama said that China, now home to the world's second-largest economy, is a big part of that equation. But he said he continued to press its leadership -- including President Hu Jintao, at a meeting this weekend -- to make sure its trading partners aren't at a "disadvantage," mentioning the devaluation of currency and concerns about intellectual property rights not being protected.
"Enough is enough ... These practices aren't secret: I think everybody understands that they've been going on for quite some time," Obama said. "We're going to continue to be firm, to ensure that they operate by the same rules (as) everyone else."

The creation by President Obama of this Asian Free Trade avenue of commerce is a threat to the economic well being of China. China knows very well that its prosperity depends entirely on its trading with the USA and the other democratic countries.

This threat of loss of commerce to the "Asian competition" is the way that President Obama will force China to open its doors to , as he said, "...ensure that they operate by the same rules as everyone else" and embrace freedom of rights and democracy.

Christ describes this in other terms in the revelations....and that no one may buy or sell (trade) except one who has the mark OR the name of the beast OR the number of his name ....

Soon, all nations will be united under the banner of freedom of rights and democracy. All will have the mark, or name, or number of the beast (the belief of the leader of the free world) on their hands or on their foreheads.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Mr. Blair's #8 and #9 dos and dont's reject Christ as King and as Son of the Creator

The following ponits (#8 and #9) are part of Mr. Blair's 10 dos and dont's as submitted to and published by the CNN Belief Blog.

#8. DO insist on religious leaders making their case by reasoned argument not by bald assertion or authoritarian claims.

My comment...
...Did John the Baptist reason with the pharasees or did he proclaim boldly the coming of Christ, the Son of God and Savior? is obvious that the words of John the Baptist would not be received well and that he would be treated in the same manner by Mr. Blair as he was in his time by the rulers of the land.

...Did Christ reason with the pharasees or did he proclaim with authority the One True Way of Life and his identity as the Son of God and man's Savior? is also obvious that Christ would be rejected by Mr. Blair and those that support the belief in freedom of religion and democracy

#9. DO NOT allow religious voices to have dominance in the public sphere if they cannot achieve majority support through democratic means.

My comment...
...Would Christ's words receive democratic majority support today? Definitely not.
...Therefore, according to the belief in freedom of religion and democracy, Christ's voice would be prohibited to have dominance in the public sphere.

Whose voice is greater....Christ's or that of the belief in freedom of religion and democracy?

To those who proclaim to be Christians, I pray that you will not be deceived.

Mr. Blair...none of us is qualified (Even Christ?) to state the will of God.

ref: "My Take: 10 dos and don’ts for religion and democracy”By Tony Blair, Special to CNN
CNN’s Editor's Note: Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007, is founder and patron of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. He gave a speech in Italy on Friday on why the protection of religious freedom should be a priority for all democracies.)

At the end of this article, Mr. Blair makes the following statement, “Remember that none of us are qualified to state with certainty the will of God – so humility, openness to others, and interfaith dialogue are all essential for a healthy society.”

In other words, it seems that Mr. Blair is saying that since man does not know what is the Will of God that man should therefore do “his will” in order to have a “healthy” society.
… other words man’s will above that of God’s Will.

The statement by Mr. Blair is misleading, false, and blasphemous against the Creator God.

To start with, there was and is One, Christ Jesus, the Son of the Creator God, who qualified during His physical time on earth and is qualified today to state with certainty the Will of the True Creator Beginning.

This Christ Jesus clearly stated the Will of God….to love the ONE and ONLY Creator with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength….in other words to acknowledge and serve the One True Creator, and secondly to love our neighbor as ourselves…in other words to do good (by the righteousness of God) to others as to oneself.
This clearly means that there is no other “god” or “religion” or “way of life” which can coexist with the True Creator or be acknowledged as having equal validity.

This clearly means that there is no “way of life” or “belief” that is above the Father.

This also means that there is only One Identifying Way to recognize who this Creator God is…and this way is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Creator Father, the coming King to rule man according to the One True Way of Life.

The way (the belief) that Mr. Blair is preaching is wide…many people follow it and desire it… and so is its gate that leads away from the truth and to death.

The way and gate to the True God is narrow and difficult (because man rejects the Will of God and desires, instead, to live according to his own will, his own self-interests, his own self-righteousness, self-rule...i.e democracy (preached as the lamb of peace but speaking as the dragon (self-will and not God's Will).

There will be the gnashing of teeth and the weeping of eyes when man will not accept and reject the reality of Christ and the One True Way of Life.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Vice President Biden Defends his Primary Belief

"I find it preposterous that in 2011 we're debating whether or not a man is qualified or worthy of your vote based on whether or not his religion... is a disqualifying provision." Biden said. "It is not. It's embarrassing. And we should be ashamed anyone who thinks that way."
Ref: "Biden defends Romney on faith" CNN's Ashley Killough, Nov 5,2011

Vice President Biden has clearly stated in these words his, and man's, primary, core belief and way of life. It is evident that he is speaking of his belief in one's freedom of rights and religion. What is also hypocritical of Mr. Biden is that, as a "professing Catholic", he does NOT CONFESS Christ to be the Only True Way of Life, does not confess Christ to be the Son of the One and ONLY Creator God. Instead, he implies and degrades Christ to be a "religion" among "religions"....a matter of respecting one's right and choice of a personal "faith".

This is the belief that is superimposed above all "traditional religions". This is the belief that acts as the umbrella belief above all other beliefs. This is also the belief that all men, all cultures, all "religions and individual beliefs" turn to, embrace, live by, defend, and fight for before any other belief. This belief is the "god of fortresses" of the king of the north as Daniel described and the χες that John wrote about.

This is also the belief that declares that all "religions" are of equal validity .This is the belief which also simultaneously DENIES the Preeminence of the One Creator God, whose identity is specifically affirmed by His Son (Our Savior and King) Christ Jesus.

There can be and is is only one truth to man's existence and purpose....there can be and is only One Creator....there can be and is only One Way to Him...through Christ...the One of God, from God, and with God.

Man prefers to embrace his own will instead of that of the Creator Father.

Whether people receive these words or not, it makes no difference to the inevitable return of bring forth God's kingdom, the One True Way of love the Creator Father and to love our neighbor.

...there will be the gnashing of teeth and the weeping of eyes when man will reject Christ and God's Way.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Only Two Roads...Gates

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew)

There are few who find (choose to live) the hard road (way of life / belief) that leads to the narrow gate of life. This road is hard because it is against the belief of man in his self-interest, in his self-rights. The entrance is narrow because Christ, the One True Way of Life, is the ONLY way in.

The road is easy and the gate is wide (all desire it) which leads to destruction because it is glorified by all men as their righteousness. All embrace their desire to do their own will, which is the way of Satan. All of man, all "religions" support this belief and are united in it. See also what is happeneing in the "glorious land". Soon all nations will embrace this same way of life.

This easy road and wide gate is the belief in freedom of rights and religion, in universal - interfaith values...which denies the preeminence of Our Creator Father and of His Son, the Christ. This is the one and only belief that all men, no matter what race, culture, or religion, desire, embrace, and live by. This is the "god of fortresses".

There are only two is to believe in the will and self-rights of man (the way of Satan) and the other is Christ ( the Son of the Creator God and the One True Way of do, not our will, but the will of Our Father).

Christ is not a "religion"....but the True Way of Life to Our Creator Father.