Tuesday, 30 August 2011

The “god of fortresses” of the king of the north.

The “god of fortresses” of the king of the north.
What is a fortress?

A dictionary definition gives it to be a fortified place, especially a large, permanent military stronghold that often includes a town. (ref. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fortress)

However, there are many scriptures that describe the Creator God as a “fortress”.
Ref. 2 Sam 22:2, Ps 18:2, 31:3, 71:3, 91:2, 144:2, Isaiah 17:3, 25:12…(26:5), Hosea 18:14.

Therefore it is clear that when scripture makes reference to a “fortress”, it is describing the belief (god) of a nation/individual.

The scriptures in Daniel 11: 36-39 also speak of fortresses, but it is clear that they are not describing the Creator God.

Dan 11: 38…but in their place (in the place of the God of their fathers (the Creator God), the gods of women, and any god …Dan 11:37) he, the king of the north, shall honor a god of fortresses…

A god above all fortresses…who is this god? Dan 11:36…he (the king of the north) shall do according to his will, he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god (fortress) and shall speak blasphemies against the Creator God and His Christ.

This king of the north will live by and advance his belief in doing one’s own will, and this belief will be exalted and magnified above every god / belief/ fortress…in so doing, this leader will speak blasphemies against the True God….he will deny God’s preeminence and Oneness and this belief will dictate that God is a religion equal to other religions, to be worshipped as per one’s own personal choice of faith, a right protected by the “god of fortresses”. It will also dictate that the Creator God is not the one and only and that Christ is not the only true way.

It is clear in Dan 11: 39, that this “world leader” will use this “belief/way of life” to act against the strongest fortresses (beliefs of other nations / rulers)….and cause these other fortresses to embrace this “god of/belief in one’s own will”. His way/belief will be embraced above, but co-exist, with their pre existing beliefs. It will be their primary core belief and way of life.

It is interesting to see, in President Obama’s 2009 UN speech, words that reflect the events in Daniel.

The following is a summary of the highlights of part of his speech…
The traditional divisions between nations of the north and south make no sense
The time has come that old arguments are irrelevant…they build up walls between us and the future that our people seek
The time has come for those walls to come down
To build a new coalition (covenant?)of different faiths and creeds, of north and south, and between nations
A generation that comes together to serve the common interests of human beings
This is the future America wants...future of peace
Recognize that all nations have rights and responsibilities
This must be the guiding principle of international cooperation
The world must stand together to demonstrate international law

It is also interesting to see the developments in the middle-east…the people demanding the way of freedom of rights….the desire for self-will…for self-rule.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Kings of Dominant World Empires

Kings of Dominant World Empires

It is clear in Daniel, that the kings that are being spoken of are the kings of dominant world empires...kings of the habitable world at that time in history...and more importantly kings that all ruled Israel.

Israel, Jerusalem, has always been the common focal point, as per the Word of God.

There are 10 horns or kings on the beast in Daniel.
...the first 4 represent the kings of the split up Greek empire
...the little horn that grew out of the 4th horn...is the beginning of the Roman empire.
...the "little horn / 4th horn".....10 th horn ( i.e 7 horns) represent the Roman Empire ( in strength, character, belief)
...Julius Caesar to Nero....were 6 of the 7 horns of the Roman Empire
...the head that was slain and came back to life is the 7th horn of the spiritual Roman empire...in character and world dominion
...therefore the 7 heads / horns/ kings of the beast in Revelation is the Roman Empire in spirit and world dominance.

None of the kings/rulers today, except one, is a leader of the world.
However, there is one who is considered to be the leader of the free world, to which other kings of nations have given their military and political support for the advancement of his belief and way of life.
...and his way of life and belief is being embraced by all nations
...it has also overthrown the dictators in the glorious land (...and the hand of the king of the north will be stretched out to Egypt...and Libya and Etiopia will follow at his heels...)
...it will bring "man's peace" to the Holy Land soon
...its belief has been advanced and glorified and its "god" has become the "god of fortresses, of other beliefs".

...it also speaks pompous words against the Most High
...it's way of life dictates that Christ and the Creator God is a religion equal in validity and on the same level as other "religions/gods".
...it has said that the true way to peace is, not by the One and Only True God and His Son the Christ, but by man's way of universal values, common good, inter-faith relationships, and freedom of rights and religion.

I pray that you will see the Truth and not compromise because of what man glorifies to be righteous.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Understanding...Covenant Week, Time-Times-1/2 Time, Month, Days

Covenant - 1 week /7 days/7 years (@ middle of week...desolation) A

.................Time-Times-1/2 Time , 42 weeks, 1260 days, Witnesses Prophecy B

.................@ 1290 days, (1260+30) Abomination is set in Place of Holy C

.............@ 1300 days (1260+40) Sanctuary is Cleansed, made Holy D

.............@ 1335 days (1260+75) Blessed he who waits and comes to E

Dan 7:25
….he shall speak pompous words against the Most High
….shall persecute the saints of the Most High
….and shall intend to change times and law
….then the saints will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time

Dan 9:26-27….then he (the prince of the people) shall confirm (prevail-strong) covenant (confederacy) with many for one week (7 days-7years)
…and in the middle of the week (@3 ½ days-3 ½ years) he shall cause the abomination to bring about the desolation of sacrifice and offering… decreed to bring about, as far as, their complete destruction and desolation.

Dan 11: 44-45
….but news (doctrine) from the “hidden light” (from the east and the north) shall trouble the king of the north and, therefore, he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many (all).

Rev 11:2-3
…and the city holy shall they trample upon 42 months
….and I (God) will give to my witnesses and they shall prophecy days 1260, clothed in sackcloth
….and when they have completed their testimony, the beast will make war with them, overcome them, and kill them.
Dan12: 7….it shall be for a TIME, TIMES, AND HALF A TIME
…and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things will be finished.

Dan 12:11
….and from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up…there shall be 1290 days

Dan 8:13-14…How long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot?
……..and he said to me, “For thousand three hundred days, then the sanctuary will be cleansed

Dan 12:12
blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1335 days.

The key to this timetable is to identify who this prince of the people is, what belief is being advanced and glorified, what is the "covenant" that many, all of mankind (including "Christians"), are receiving, embracing, and living by.

.....Dan 11:36-39
.....Rev 13:11-18

I invite you to read my other messages.

Above all...not to compromise on our love and service to the One and Only True God and His Christ, Our Saviour and King.
....to live by the One and Only True Belief and Way of Life as given to us by Christ , the Son of Our Creator.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

...and men will desire to die = to change their belief and compromise

...and men will desire to die = to change their belief and compromise

5th Trumpet

A key is given to the leader (star) to open the pit of the abyss.

Smoke (way of deception, spiritual darkness) came out of the pit and darkened the sunlight and air (the proclaiming of the kingdom of God by the faithful elect).

Out of the smoke came locusts (commanders), which were told by this leader to injure (examine-torture) only the men who have not the seal (mark) on their foreheads of their god (dragon-beast).

It was given to these locusts (commanders) that they should not kill these men who do not have this seal (mark-belief), but that they should first be tormented (examined-tortured) with great pressure. This torment (examination-torture) was like the torment of scorpion stings (scourging).

During these days shall seek (question-debate-make controversy) men their death (cause of death) and not shall find (to ascertain by examination) it; and shall desire to die (disaccustom-to be untaught), and therefore they shall flee (escape, avoid) death. (Note that those that will not “disaccustom” will be killed.)

In other words, these "Christians" will compromise on their faith after they have undergone examination and persecution. They will therefore accept, acknowledge, and embrace the preeminence of the “righteousness” of the way of the beast, which all of man will glorify as the true universal values of peace and as the belief in the freedom and respect of rights and religions.

Keep in mind that these compromising Chrsitians will still have the religious freedom to practice their “religion as their personal choice of faith”.

These locusts (commanders) will have the faces of men, be powerful, and their authority will be supported by all the “crowns” of the world nations.

They will be ruled by a leader who God describes as the spiritual destroyer (Apollyon, Abadon). God refers to him as the destroyer because his way leads to the destruction of the True Way, of what is good, and of life.

This world leader will also succeed in physically destroying the elect from the surface of the earth and will place his belief above all other beliefs and above the True God and Christ....after which time Christ will return.

(Note: the symbol meanings, ex. commanders, were found in scriptures.)

President Obama's Cairo Speech and the Golden Rule

From President Obama's Cairo speech:

...“But we should choose the right path, not the easy path. There is also one rule that lies at the heart of every religion-that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. This truth transcends nations and peoples – a belief that isn’t new; that isn’t black or white or brown; that isn’t Christian, or Muslim or Jew. It’s a belief that pulsed in the cradle of civilization, and that still beats in the heart of billions. It’s a faith in other people, and it’s what brought me here today.

...“Golden Rule: do unto others as you would want them to do to you”
...One rule, pulsed in the cradle of civilization, beats in the hearts of billions, faith in other people.

President Obama has used this belief / rule as the foundation or the umbrella belief to unite all nations, religions, and beliefs.

He has twisted what God the Father, the Most High, said to be the second commandment “to love your neighbor as yourself” to mean, instead, to give the rights and freddoms to others as you would have them give you your rights and freedoms.

As the "Leader of the Free World ", he blatantly leaves out the primary fact that God , the Father, is the Most High and the Only God and yet, he uses and perverts God’s words to favor the belief in freedom of rights and religion.

..."do unto others as to yourself" it is not the belief that pulsed in the cradle of civilization....it was, and is , instead the belief in and desire for one’s own interest.

...it was not the "one rule" at the cradle of civilization...the first rule is to love the True God and Creator and Father of Jesus Christ with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. This means that there is no other and that we are to serve only Him and His Christ, and no other belief.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

A Covenant by the Prince of the People!

A Covenant by the Prince of the People!
I am determined to act boldly and collectively on behalf of justice and prosperity

I will be the leader to bring about this real change
The interests of nations are shared
However, the religious convictions can forge new bonds or tear us apart
And because we share a common future... we must therefore do the work together

The time has come for the world to move in a new direction
We must embrace a new era of engagement based on mutual interest and respect
This work must begin now
We will forge a framework to combat extremism within the rule of law
America will live its values and we will lead by example
A new era of engagement with the world
Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response
The cooperative effort of the whole world
Our destiny is shared...No one nation can dominate another nation
No world order that elevates one nation or peoples over another will succeed

The traditional divisions between nations of the north and south make no sense
The time has come that old arguments are irrelevant…they build up walls between us and the future that our people seek
The time has come for those walls to come down
To build a new coalition of different faiths and creeds, of north and south, and between nations
A generation that comes together to serve the common interests of human beings
I want this future of peace
Recognize that all nations have rights and responsibilities
This must be the guiding principle of international cooperation
The world must stand together to demonstrate international law
Pursuit of peace...yearning for peace is universal
Extremists who promote conflict by distorting faith offer nothing but hatred and destruction
We will pursue engagements that build bridges among faiths
Our efforts to promote peace based on belief that future belongs to those who build and not destroy
We will strengthen our support for effective peacekeeping
The time has comethe time has come…
…to settle peace between Israel and Palestine and in middle east
...all are God’s children...the right of every human being to live with dignity and security
That is the lesson embedded in the three great faiths and in the Holy Land
I will not waiver in my pursuit of this peace

A global economy that advances opportunity for all people
Now is the time... to give nations a greater voice...root out corruption...and give opportunity to all
I believe that people want this future for their children
We must champion the principles that ensure the will of the people
Democracy and human rights are essential to achieving this peace
Because governments of the people and by the people will act in the interests of their people and not in the interests of dictators
True leadership will not intimidate and harass political opponents
The people of the world want change
They will not long tolerate those who are on the wrong side of history (i.e. anti-democracy, anti-rights)
UN charter...to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights...
...among these rights is the freedom to speak your mind and worship as you please
No individual should be forced to accept the tyranny of their own people
And I pledge that I will always stand with those who stand up for their dignity and rights..

...for the student, the voter, innocent, and the oppressed who yearn to be equal
Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside...each country must desire it and pursue it from within itself and its own culture

I will never waver in our efforts to stand up for this self evident and universal truth... the right of all people to determine their own destiny

Now it falls to us to advance the interests of the people we serve
We have reached a pivotal moment...The US stands ready to begin a new chapter of international cooperation...one that recognizes the rights and responsibilities of all nations
We call on all nations to join us to build the future that our people deserve.

Highlights of President Obama’s 2009 UN speech…
= ...the Middle East 2011, Dan.9:27, Dan. 11:36-45, 3rd Trumpet, 3rd Bowl, 4th Trumpet, 4th Bowl

…it is more than a coincidence.

Why would kings hate the harlot that they desired to fornicate with? They would NOT!

Why would kings hate the harlot that they desired to fornicate with? They would NOT!

Why would the kings and merchants hate, make desolate, make naked, burn and eat the flesh of the harlot when it is clear in other scriptures that they give their power to her, that they fornicate with her, live luxuriously because of her, and that they will weep and mourn for her?

The scriptures in Rev 18:9-19 clearly show that the kings and merchants glorified and worshipped the woman.
· All nations drank the wine of fornication with this woman
· Kings of the earth committed fornication with this woman
· Merchants were enriched through the power of her luxury
· The Kings who live luxuriously and fornicate with this woman, will weep for and bewail this woman
· The merchants of the earth weep and mourn for her
· The merchants who were enriched ...will weep and mourn for her
· Merchants cried (root out)...What city great it was!
· And they (merchants) cast upon their heads and cried weeping and mourning

On the other hand, it is clear that the only ones that will rejoice at the death of the woman are described in Rev 18:20-23 and Rev 19:1.
· Rejoice over her, O heaven and holy apostles and prophets, for did judge God your judgement upon the woman
· ...for by her sorcery (deception) she misled the nations and in her is the blood of prophets, saints, and of all the innocent slain on the earth
· ...a multitude in heaven saying “Hallelujiah” (praise God) ...for the glory of Our Lord and God....for the righteous judgement on the harlot great...for avenging the blood of the bondmen

Therefore, it is obvious that the translation of Rev. 17:16-18 is incorrect. Closer study of the Greek words is required to understand the true meaning of these scriptures within the context of the message that Christ gave.

Rev. 17:16-18,

Και τα δεκα κερατα …α ….ειδες …επι .το θηριον ουτοι ….μισησουσιν 1……….την πορνην
And the ten…horns which you saw upon the beast these shall hate (lust, greed) 1 the harlot

Και ηρημωμενην2 …………….ποιησουσιν3………………αυτην .και γυμνην4
And desolate (gentle) 2… shall make (observe, celebrate) 3… her …and naked (unarmed) 4

Και ………..τας 5………………………σαρκας6………αυτης …φαγονται
And…her (determine, appointed) 5…flesh (mockery) 6….her…. ..shall eat

And…..her….shall burn (glory in) 7.. .in… fire (passion, warmth) 8

Ο γαρ…..θεος ………εδωκεν 9 …………….. εις …………τας5 ……καρδιας αυτων ποιησαι την
Therefore God… gave (eat/destitute(vain)) 9 to the…her (determine) 5… heart their to do the

Γνωμην……αυτου10………..καιποιησαι………μιαν11 …………..γνωμην
mind….. his (exactly, very) 10 …and …to do ……one (pollute, defile) 11… mind

και…δουσαι…την βασιλειαν..αυτων..τω θηριον
and …to give.. the kingdom…their….to the beast

αχρι……..τελεσθη………..τα……….ρηματα ……………………του θεου
until…should be fulfilled…the… sayings (command, promise) …of God

και…η….γυνη…..ην……ειδες εστιν…η…………..πολις12 ………………..η μεγαλη13
and .the..woman whom sawest…is…the…city (inhabitants,way of life)12…the great (worshipped,sacred) 13

η….εχουτα βασιλειαν..επι..των βασιλεων…της…γης
the…has…..kingship..over the….kings…..of the earth

Let us read these scriptures in light of these alternate Greek definitions.

v And these ten kings, that you saw upon the beast, will lust and desire for this harlot woman and will celebrate her unarmed gentleness (message of peace and righteousness).
v And these kings will consume and embrace with passionate warmth and glory this determined/appointed belief and way of mockery and hypocrisy.
v Therefore God will give (determine and appoint) man over to this defiled and destitute desire (heart) for and belief (mind) in vanity, self-interest, self-righteousness.
v And these kings will give their kingdoms to the beast until the promise of God will be fulfilled.
v And the woman that you saw represents the sacred way of life worshipped by all the peoples and this belief /way of life has ruler-ship and pre-eminence over all kings and their beliefs (fortresses) on the earth. .....Comment: In other words, It is their “god of fortresses” (ref.: Dan : 36-45).

As you can now see, the message supports the scriptures in Rev. 18:9-19.
It is in line with all other scriptures. It is the truth.

Today, this “god of fortresses” is being advanced to all nations. It is being embraced by all nations.
There is only one belief that is “universal” and worshipped by all people...it is the belief in freedom of rights.

The Belief in Freedom of Rights... freedom to one’s definition and choice of belief/religion/god, freedom to say what you think is right for your own interest, freedom to have and justify any sexual behaviour with whatever consenting person, freedom to live by one’s own definition of happiness.

In all this, the True Creator God and His Christ are made into a religion amongst other religions. They have been made in to a “personal choice” of faith. They have been made part of interfaith cooperation.

However, the True God is not a religion. He is not a “personal choice” of faith amongst others. He is not equal in validity to, on the same level as other “gods”, beliefs, or ways of life.

The True Creator God is the One and Only. There is no other creator.
Christ, His Anointed Son Who is Like Him, Our Saviour, is the Only True Way of Life to Our Father.

Christ will be the Only One who will return to rule the earth...and put in place God’s kingdom and His True and Only Way of life.

Our work is to stand for Christ, to communicate this truth, and to do good to our neighbour and enemies.

It is not our work to control, impose, or force this belief and way of life on anyone. But it is our work to witness and stand, without compromise, for Christ, for this Only Truth, for the Only Creator God and Father. It is also our work not to embrace, live by, or worship the belief in freedom of rights and religion, for it is the mark and image of the beast. It is the χξς.

The time is close as the hand of the king of the north has entered the glorious land and has been stretched out to Egypt, and Libya and Ethiopia are following at his heels. Soon he will plant the tabernacle of his palace, this world belief - this abomination in the eyes of the True God, above the seas and the Holy Mountain (the Truth of God and of Christ). It will be declared to be the universal and pre-eminent way of life above all other beliefs. This will become law and part of a new “muscular democracy”. It will be considered to be divisive, anti-rights, anti-democratic, and illegal to declare to society at large that Christ is the Only True Way. However this message will be declared by the remaining uncompromising and faithful elect, as foretold by Our Father.

Christians will be pressured to place the belief in freedom of rights and universal values before Christ. Note that they will not be forced to forsake their ”personal religious belief”....but just to serve and live by the belief in self-rights before worshipping the word of Christ and the Creator God.

I pray that your faith in the truth will not fail, that you will not compromise.

John Stefanyszyn

Reference: Greek-English Lexicon, H.G. Liddell and R. Scott, 1996, Clarendon Press Oxford
1... μισησουσιν : can also mean... lust, greed, insatiate
2... ηρημωμενην: can also mean... gentle
3... ποιησουσιν: can also mean... observe, celebrate
4... γυμνην: can also mean... unarmed
5... τας: correct meaning... determine, appointed
6... σαρκας : can also mean... mockery (i.e. sarcasm, hypocrisy)
7... κατακαυσουσιν: can also mean... glory in
8... πυρι: can also mean...warmth, passion
9... εδωκεν: can also mean...εδω:eat κεν: destitute(vain) ......to eat destitution/vanity
10...αυτου: correct meaning... exactly, very
11... μιαν: correct meaning....pollute, defile
12... πολις: can also mean... inhabitants...i.e. their way of life
13... μεγαλη: can also mean... wonderful, noble, sacred, worshipped

Christ's Last Warning

Christ's Last Warning

Rev. 22: 18-19 Re. Adding and taking away from this book....not "letters and words"

This warning is being given to "Christians", those described in the seven churches.

Συμμαρτυρουμαι γαρ .παντι ...ακουοντι τους λογους της προφητειας του βιβλιου τουτου
I bear witness ...for assuredly hearing those words ..the prophecy ...of book ....this
Assuredly, I bear witness together with those hearing the prophetic words of this book

Εαν τις .........επιτιθη .........προς .ταυτα επιθησει ο θεος .επ αυτου τασ
If anyone (attack,oppose) against these lay on .the God unto him the
If anyone will act against, to oppose and attack, these words of the true faith, then the True God

πληγας τας γεγραμμενας εν βιβλιω τουτω
plagues the ...written .....in book ...this
will lay upon him the plagues in this book

και εαν τις ......αφαιρη ....απο των λογων βιβλου της προφητειας
and if anyone take away from the words ..book ...the prophecy
and if anyone should take away the truth from the prophetic words of this book

αφαιρησει .............ο θεος ....το μερος αυτου απο βιβλιου της ζωης
shall take away the True God the part ...his ...from book ..the life
then the True God will take away from him his part from the book of life

και .εκ ..της πολεως της αγιας
and out the ..city ....the holy
and out of the holy city

και των ..γεγραμμενων εν βιβλιω τουτω
and those written .........in book ..this
and those written in this book

Λεγει ο ......μαρτυρων ταυτα Ναι ...ερχομαι ....ταχυ
says He who testifies .these Yes I am coming suddenly
says He who testifies these words...Yes I am coming suddenly

(ref:Interlinear Greek-Engkish New Testament, George Ricker Berry, 1999
Greek - English Lexicon, H.G. Liddell and R.Scott, Clarendon Press, 1996)

…in today's understanding….
Assuredly, I bear witness together with those hearing the prophetic words of this book
That if anyone will act against, to oppose and attack, these words of the true faith
and will take away the truth from these words, then Our God will lay on him the plagues as written in this book and He will take away his part from the book of life, and from out of the Holy City, and from those written in this prophetic book
Says He who testifies these words
Yes I am coming suddenly

...God will take away their part from the book of life....It is clear here that Christ is making reference to "Christians" whose names are included, until the time of Christ's return, in the book of life. However He is giving us His last warning implying that many "Christians" will go against the truth of the faith and will be consequently removed from the book of life.

He is referring to the "Christians", the assemblies, of the 7 types of Christians who have embraced another love as their first love….another belief and way of life before, above, and hypocritically in the presence of Christ and the True God. These are "Christians" and man that will believe that they are doing a favor to "God" by prosecuting and killing any who will stand against this way of life.

There is only one belief and way of life which places itself above the True God and which has designated Christ and Our Father as a religion among other religions, making them into "a choice of one’s personal faith". It denies the Pre-Eminence of the Creator Father and the acknowledgment that He is the One and Only True God, The Beginning and the End. It also denies that His Anointed Christ, the Savior, Our King, is His Son Who is like Him and who is to return and rule the earth with God’s Truth and Way, and Only His Way. This clearly means that there will not be any other "belief" that man will by.

This belief which has been universally received and glorified is man’s core and primary desire for and belief in the choice and freedom to do his own will, to establish and justify what he defines to be right…the belief in freedom of one’s own rights, freedom of one’ own choice of "religion", freedom of one’s own choice to say what he thinks is right, the freedom to live one’s own sexuality as one sees right in his own eyes, the freedom to profit at the expense at others’ well being, the freedom to justify killing in the name of one’s own interests and self-righteousness.

This BELIEF has been embraced by Christians, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, all other "religions", by atheists, by man. Soon all mankind will glorify this way of life and it will be regarded as the universal world belief, "religion-god", of peace.

Our Creator and Father said that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not good and that it would lead to death….however, Adam and Eve said that it was good and therefore they either did not believe that they would die or that it was worth it for them.

I pray that you will see the truth and stand for Christ and God’s Way…for the return of Christ is imminent as the king of the north has entered the Glorious Land and his hand has been out against Egypt, and Libya and Ethiopia are following at his heels… following and embracing his belief and way of life.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

"You will surely not die!" ...the lie.

"You will surely not die!" ...the lie.

There is Only One Creator God. He has a specific identity.

This God is the One Who has brought into existence all that exists, each of which has a specific design and purpose... which can only have come into being by a Creator.

This is the God that has made man to become into His image...to be like Him.

This God created man and gave him awareness of himself, creation, and the Creator.

Man is the only existence that has this awareness.

With awareness comes the ability to choose, in other words free will.

God said to Adam that he was free to take the fruit from any of the trees that He established and designated to be “good”.

However, God “commanded” Adam not to take of (live by) the tree of knowledge of good and evil...this tree was not good...that he was not free to take of this tree. This tree represented the way of doing things according to one’s own will... to decide, justify, and establish what is right for one’s own self-interest...this is Satan’s way. It disregards God’s Will.

In other words, God told Adam that he had the freedom to choose to eat the fruit from any of the good trees but that he was not free to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Why?... God also told Adam that if he were to choose to live by this “forbidden tree” that the consequence would be physical and spiritual death.

Satan now speaks to Eve and asks a self-serving twisted question...
“....Has God Indeed said, “You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’
In other words...is it true that you do not have any freedom?
Satan was playing a game with Eve....to create the envy for self-will, self-interest.

Eve answered by saying that they did have the freedom to take from all the trees which God established to be good, but that they only did not have the freedom to take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God commanded them not to take of. She also said that they were told, that if they did, that they would die.

Now Satan tries to discredit the warning of death. He tries to create doubt and suspicion about the reason why God forbid them to choose the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Basically implying the following...< that if you are free to eat of all the other trees, why not from this one? Is God hiding something “good” from you? Why does He not want you to have total freedom?...The true reason is that God does not want you to become like a god. He does not want you to be able to decide for yourself what is good for you. That is why He is trying to scare you off by giving this warning of death, but, he states, “you surely will not die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God knowing good and evil.” >

Satan is implying to Eve that God has denied their freedom to take of this tree because God does not them to be like a god...which would be the greatest freedom as their eyes would be opened to see things as they desired for their self-interest.

Eve, disregarded God and His Word, and took upon herself to judge the tree and its fruit. By doing so she crossed the bridge. She made the decision that it was good for food for her, that it was pleasant to the eyes for her own pleasure, and desirable to make one-self wise for one’s own interests. She defied the Words of God, His warning, and took of its fruit.

Satan never used force to cause Eve and Adam to follow his way of life.

They chose it because they decided it was good and righteous for them to live by this freedom to establish and justify what was right for their self-interest desires.

The consequence was terrible as they lost access to the tree of life...tree to eternity. The consequences of this way of life are seen today all around us, within each of our families. Pain, hurt, injustice, death...all being justified. This is the effect of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

However, this way of life is embraced, defended, and glorified as being righteous and good. It is considered to be the way of peace....for all mankind to live by the belief in freedom of rights, freedom of religion, freedom for one’s own happiness, freedom of one’s own sexuality.....as long as man respects the same freedoms for his neighbor.

This way of life also says that every man made religion, god, belief is as valid and equal as the Creator God and His Christ. This is “blasphemy”. This way of life dictates the True and Only God Creator and His Christ to be a religion amongst other religions.

However, the True God is not a religion.

He is the God that sent His Son, the Christ, to tell us and show us the truth, to stand for the Only True God and to stand for man...for those that repent (change) from the way of life of serving one’s own interest to that of living by the True Way (to love God with all of our heart, mind, souls, and strength...and...to love, in the Goodness of the Truth and God, our neighbor as ourselves.

There is no other way of life (belief) acceptable to Our Father.

Christ taught this, was beaten for this, died for this and was resurrected for this so that, if we change to follow Him, we would be given a “clean slate”.

I pray that man and Christians will see the deception of this false lamb, this false light....the lie which is portrayed as the righteous universal values.

God's Command against the Belief in Freedom of Religion

God's Command against the Belief in Freedom of Religion

It is incredible how Christian churches support the belief in freedom of rights and religion.
Do you realize that God did not and never has supported or blessed man regarding the belief in freedom of rights, religion, and self will?
God gave a clear (first) commandment to Adam and Eve that they were not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and that they would die if they were to do so. Even though the tree of knowledge was in the garden (i.e. the choice was there) He clearly commanded them not to take of that tree. In other words, He told them that He would not accept their decision to choose for themselves to take of that tree and that they would die if they did so.

He makes reference to this command and warning several times in Genesis:
Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:3, Genesis 3:11, Genesis 3:17

Afterwards God says that man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. This “one” of Us is reference to Lucifer who chose the tree of knowledge of good and evil and chose to do his own will and to become in his heart like a god. Satan, in fact, preached to Eve the belief in freedom of self will (religion) when he told her that once she makes this choice and eats (embraces) the fruit that her eyes will be opened and that she would be like a god, knowing (deciding for herself) what is good and evil. She decided that this tree was good and she ate of it contrary to the command from God not to do so, even in face of the warning that she would die. Perhaps she did not believe that either or perhaps she decided that it was worth it ( as the American saying goes” Live Free or Die”).

In reference to the 10 Commandments which God gave to a people who did not want to love Him or to do His will, the first three clearly say:
· that man is not to have any other gods before Him
· that man is not to bow down to or serve any other god
· that man is not to take His Name in vain
As you can see, He does not endorse or support man’s belief in his freedom to worship, support, acknowledge, or serve any other belief besides Him. These commandments were given in order to identify that it was sin to embrace any belief besides that of the True and Only God.
Christ taught this. He said to repent and seek (live only by) the kingdom (way) of God.

Not the 2 Witnesses but the Sunset (end of light) Witnesses

Not the 2 Witnesses but the Sunset (end of light) Witnesses
The English translation of the “two witnesses” in Revelations 11 is incorrect because of several important factors.

It is clear in revelations 11:1-2, that Christ is directing John to measure/evaluate only those at the temple altar and to ignore those in the temple courtyard. It is interesting to note that both categories of Christians are in the temple. Those in the courtyard are described as being given up to the nations... that they have embraced man’s way before that of Christ. Only those at the altar are considered to be true, without compromise, to the One and Only God. The question is whether these elect will truly stand in faith till death, as He also states that they will be trampled (persecuted-examined to compromise) for 42 months (1260 days, 3.5 years)?

(....there is only one other belief that Christians embrace as being righteous and good and give it priority in their lives...the belief in freedom of rights and religion...however this belief makes The True God and Christ into a religion among other religions, thus denying God's Preemienence.)

He refers to these elect as the city holy (or inhabitants holy). This is one indication that shows that there will be more that two witnesses of the True God.

It is at the next line that the past translators interpreted the Greek word «δυσιν» to mean “two”. This is incorrect. The word «δυσιν» (dusin) means the quarter in which the sun sets...i.e. the sunset...end of sunlight. The root word of «δυσιν» is δυσ , which means notion of difficult or coming to an end. Also, in order to create uniformity, the Greek word «δυo» (duo...meaning two) has replaced the Greek word «δυω» (also pronounced as “duo”). However, «δυω» also means the setting of the sun or stars.

Therefore the reading of Rev 11:3-5 should be as follows:

...and I will give (ability, license, permission) to my “sunset / end of light of God’s Word” witnesses (martyrs) and they shall prophecy 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth.
...these are the «δυω» (setting of the sun light) olive trees (holy kings)(1)
...and the «δυω» (setting of the sun light) lamp stands (priests)(1)
...which before the “god of the earth” (Satan) stand (face against)

I hope that you will see that this is in line with the other scriptures and correctly reflects the true message and events to come.

(1) Christ has referred in scriptures that the faithful witnesses will be kings and priests in His kingdom.

References: Greek English Lexicon, H.G. Lidell and R. Scott, 1996

John Stefanyszyn

Fleeing to the Mountains....Hypocrites embracing the image of the beast!

Fleeing to the Mountains....Hypocrites embracing the image of the beast!
The warning that Christ gives in Matthew 24:15-24 has always been taught by Christian leaders as a physical tribulation or attack upon Jews (i.e. Israel), resulting in a physical escape for safety to the mountains.

This, however, does not mesh with the warning that Christ gave in the previous lines in Matthew 24, outlining a tribulation that would mislead “Christians” ...many of which would compromise and place another belief before Christ and the True God.

The reference to Jews or “those in Judea” should also be understood within the context of Christ’s warning to the apostles and relative to Christ’s accusations of the Jewish priests as being hypocrites and a synagogue of Satan. Many references to “the Jews” were made as to them being the physical and symbolic enemy against Christ and as the physical and symbolic enemy against the followers of Christ.

The definitions of the Greek words used in Matthew 24:15-20 have alternate meanings, which give a clearer understanding of the message in connection with Christ’s previous words.

Οταν ουν ιδητε , το βδελυγμα της ερημωσεως το ρηθεν δια Δανιελ του προφητου, εστος εν τοπω αγιω (ο αωαγινωσκων νοειτω)

When therefore you shall see the abomination of the desolation (the image of the beast), which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (in the place of the True God) (he who reads let him understand)

Τοτε οι εν τη Ιουδαια, φευγετωσαν επι τα ορη

Then those in Judea (religious-christian hypocrites) will take refuge in, to glorify and worship, this mountain, this abomination of the image of the beast.

Ο επι του δωματος μη καταβαινετω αραι τι εκ της οικιας αυτου

These hypocrite leaders (on the rooftops) of the churches (house of God) will not come down (humble themselves-change) to take anything (their garment) out of this house (Word of God)

Και ο εν τω αγρω μη επιστρεψατω οπισω αραι τα ιματα αυτου

These hypocrite members in the field (country) will not return to take their garment (will not stand for the True God) out from their house (the Word of the True God)

Ουαι δε ταις εν γαστρι (craving) εχ-ουσαις(holdfast to oneself)

But woe (anger and pain) will come to these (hypocrites) craving to holdfast to oneself

Και ταις θηλαζ-ουσαις (clothe/abound - in one’s own substance) ενεκειναιςταιςημεπαις

But woe (anger and pain) to those (hypocrites) abounding in one’s own substance in those days

Προσευχεσθε δε ινα μη γενται η φυγη υμων χειμωνος μηδε εν σαββατω (7 dayweek)

But pray this not your result/fruit, but rather make your escape from this storm of distress and calamity, but not only within the sabbath (this week of 7 days...i.e. 7 years...ref. to Daniel 9:27)

...and this will be the greatest and most powerful tribulation (pressure-deception) on the truth, such that, if continued, all mankind would reject the Pre-Eminence of the True God and no flesh would be physically or spiritually saved of this generation.

However, because there will be the faithful elect that will not compromise and which will stand, unto death, for Christ, that this tribulation-deception will be brought to an end (cut short). Because of these elect, man will be given an opportunity to be saved. This is reflective of the discussion between Abraham and The Word of God concerning Sodom and Gomorrah….i.e. if there are only 10 righteous?

Christ tells us what this image of the beast will be. He describes it as a “craving to hold fast to oneself” and a way of life “clothed / abounding in one’s own substance”.
To put it in today’s terms, Our Saviour is describing man’s belief for the freedom to serve one’s own interests and desires. The worship of one’s own will to decide for oneself what is right. This is known as the belief in freedom of rights and religion...self-rule....democracy.

All Christian churches speak God’s word ...but the leaders and members live by the belief in and desire for this freedom of rights. This belief makes the True God and Christ into a religion among other religions.

This belief dictates that man’s gods and religions are as valid and as equal as the God of Christ.

I ask you to open your eyes and take the stand for Christ, God’s Anointed Son and Our Saviour, and for the One and Only True God...in love for God and in love for our neighbour and enemies.

Do not compromise for a way that man says is righteous and good. It is Satan’s way.

Do not place The True Creator Father and His Christ below this other belief/way of life.

John Stefanyszyn

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Half Truths and Hypocrasy

Half Truths and Hypocrasy....what is really being said today when the Leader of the free world says...
"...that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us..."  ( Question ...Where is the first part?)

today this means...
...that we embrace the belief in freedom of religion for others as we would have them embrace it for us...

this means...
...that we give others the acknowledgement that their gods/religions are equal in validity as we would have them acknowledge that our god/religion is equal in validity...

Hypocrasy! the leader of the free world is taking the words that came from Christ, the Son and Word of the Creator God, and using them to justify man's way of life and belief in universal values....while simultaneously denying the Pre-Eminence and Oneness of the One and Only Creator God and of Our Saviour, Christ, His Anointed Son and our King.

Christ taught a 2 part way of life...

1) that we are to love and serve only the One and Only Creator Father with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength...this means that there is no other way of life, belief, and God.

2) that we are to love and do good to our neighbor and enemies, in the goodness, righteousness, and worship of the True God, as we, as followers of Christ and God's Way, would want to be done to us, according to God's Truth.

Many, if not all, "religious" christians and man have placed another belief before and above Christ and the True God.

Their priority core belief is to live by their belief in the freedom to establish for oneself what is right for their own self-interest. This is what Adam and Eve also did. God said that the "tree" was not good....they said that it was good for them.

They prefer to speak of the The True God as a religion amongst other religions....but the True God and Christ are not a religion.

Christ is returning to rule the earth...this is inevitable...then there will be the Only One True and Good Way of life.

John Stefanyszyn