Another civil war in USA...another "FREEDOM" war for 'my rights' ???
The USA has had 2 civil wars.
...the 1st one ...for "FREEDOM" 'my rights' from the King of England.
...the 2nd...for "FREEDOM" 'my North rights' vs 'my South rights'.
If another civil war....again for "FREEDOM 'my rights'.
Will neighbor, father, mother, brother, sister fight each other?
See how "FREEDOM" feeds on itself, and each on the other.
Lord Jesus said to obey the Will of His Creator Father....and His Will is for us to do TRUE GOOD for each other, for society.
But man disobeys His Will...redefining this DISOBEDIENCE & rebellion to be instead "FREEDOM" to define good in his own eyes...each for his self-desires, each for his "human rights" worship ANY 'god'.
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