Monday, 11 June 2018

"We're America, Bitch" other words "I'm FREE, Bitch".

Two high-ranking aides to President Trump summed up
the administration’s foreign policy: "We're America, Bitch" other words "We're FREE, I'm FREE, Bitch". the name of FREEDOM "I do my will" for "my rights" to serve and magnify myself.
See the spirit of the USA 'beast', led by the Leader of the FREEDOM Way.
See the FULLNESS of this "FREEDOM" by the leader of this most powerful military and economy.
Obama was as a lamb/prophet of FREEDOM (see all the populist/self-rule/self-rights rebellions and wars he stirred in the Middle East and elsewhere.).
Trump is as a dragon of FREEDOM (see how Trump is rebelling for USA self interests & self-rights).
And both worship this SAME spirit of FREEDOM.
Ironically, ALL peoples, nations, leaders, and 'the religious' worship this SAME FREEDOM, each for their will, their rights, their, religion, their happiness, their sex lifestyle, their power, their wealth.
See how this FREEDOM feeds on itself, each on the other.
And this "FREEDOM" spirit is always followed by THREE others...conflict/war, economic distress, death.
There is also an ancient one that said in his heart "I'm FREE, Bitch".
Do you know who he is?
Hint...this is what he said in his heart:
...I will (my will - my right to )... ascend into heaven (to the top)
...I will (my will - my right to)... exalt my throne (ruler ship) above the stars of God
...I will (my will - my right to)... sit also upon the mount of the congregation
...I will (my will - my right to)... ascend above the heights of the clouds (the glory of God)
...I will (my will - my right to)... be like the most be equal to, higher than God...and if equal to or higher, then also not subject to God’s Will.
His name is the devill, satan.
The FULLNESS of "FREEDOM" is the tribulation fire. Very soon, Lord Jesus, Son of the 1God Who is Good, will rule earth as the 1KING according ONLY to the Will of His Father....therefore man's "FREEDOM" NO MORE, but only OBEDIENCE to Good and Truth.


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