Glen Sewchuk proclaims King Jesus...but how about "FREEDOM"?
Mr. Sewchuk, Saturday, in a WCHP broadcast, you said something very interesting and which I believe to be very true.
You said that Lord Jesus will return to rule mankind as the 1King according to the Will of His Father, the 1God Who is Good, and that He will rule with a rod of iron.
I have to exclaim amen and hallelujah!
But how about FREEDOM human rights for self happiness, sexual lifestyles, thoughts, speech, actions?
How about FREEDOM of religions, FREEDOM for each to worship ANY & other "gods"?
YOU said that it is written in the Word of the 1&ONLY God that ONLY God's Will will be done...and that His Son Jesus, as the 1 KING ruling earth, will impose His Will as with a rod of iron.
It is clear that there is no FREEDOM "my will" "my rights" "my religion" in heaven....therefore Lord Jesus has not, does not, and never will believe in this "FREEDOM" spirit. Therefore there will neither be this "FREEDOM" on earth in the 1000 yr rule because it will be sealed up in the pit.
So why don't you apply and declare publicly what God's Word says to man's way of life?
Why don't you explain to your audience and parishioners that the ruler ship of King Jesus ALSO consequently means that there will be NO FREEDOM of rights and religions?
Now if King Jesus does not believe in "FREEDOM" "my will" then most certainly He is against ministers defending, proclaiming, and worshiping this "FREEDOM" spirit, which in reality, in the 1God's eyes is really disobedience, rebellion, lawlessness, iniquity, i.e. sin.
Have you ever asked yourself who is the father of this "FREEDOM" spirit?
...he says the following in his heart:
...I will (my will - my right to )... ascend into heaven (to the top)
...I will (my will - my right to)... exalt my throne (ruler ship) above the stars of God
...I will (my will - my right to)... sit also upon the mount of the congregation
...I will (my will - my right to)... ascend above the heights of the clouds (the glory of God)
...I will (my will - my right to)... be like the most be equal to God...and if equal to then also not subject to God’s Will.
The FULLNESS of FREEDOM is the tribulation fire.
...will you be consumed by its "light" or will you come out of its blackness & be purified by it?
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