Saturday, 16 June 2018

Which is more important to Muslims...'Allah' or "FREEDOM"?

Saudi Arabia hates Iran, Iran hates Saudi Arabia
But both are Muslims.
Both pray to the SAME 'Allah of the Quran' for their victory, to beat the other, to kill the other.
How can that be?
POTUS Linclon asked himself the same question.
He could not understand how it was possible for both the North and the South to pray to the SAME 'God of the Bible' so as to kill the other.
The answer: in reality they are praying to the "god of FREEDOM", each for their will, their rights, their desires.
...and this "FREEDOM' god proclaims "it is right to kill your brother, your neighbor for your rights".
BUT the Lord Jesus, Son of the 1God Who is Good, said to OBEY His Father's Will and do GOOD to the other.


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