Monday, 4 June 2018

POTUS Trump claims FREEDOM to pardon himself. Guess who first believed in this FREEDOM.

POTUS (Caesar) Trump has just tweeted (official message) ..."that I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong?”.
In declaring that "l have done nothing wrong"... hasn't he just cleared himself (pardoned himself) of any future criminal accusation?
How can one pardon himself?...he must believe that he is innocent and is right in doing so....that his thoughts, speech, and actions are beyond reproach....if anything, its someone's else's fault.
Interesting to note, that Jesus Christ, being the Son of God & having the authority to forgive (pardon) sinners, did not invoke a pardon for Himself even though he was guiltless but instead paid the death penalty for those sinners that believed that they could not pardon themselves.
Who said this?
...I will (my will - my right to )... ascend to the top
...I will (my will - my right to)... exalt my ruler ship
...I will (my will - my right to)... sit also upon the government
...I will (my will - my right to)... ascend above all heights
...I will (my will - my right to)... be like the most High...
POTUS Trump, Lucifer (the satan), or both?


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