"Pope", "bishops"...directing “Christians” & Ukrainians to pray for, to die for FREEDOM
Leaders of the Catholic (general) church ….are directing “Christians” to pray for, to die for FREEDOM.
“The head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church has called on the people to be ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the country's freedom…”....."We must stand up for our country, to be ready -- if necessary -- to sacrifice our lives in order to protect the sovereign, free, independent, and unified state."
Pope Francis has called on Christians around the world to pray for Ukraine, urging dialogue between the sides involved in the conflict.
These leaders, these commanders ( these “scorpions”) are directing “christians” to serve the god of freedom, the ‘god of fortresses” of President Obama….leader of the free world.
...and President Obama has confessed that this FREEDOM is the “light” and will of his ‘god’.
But the Lord Jesus Christ said to give to Ceasar what is caesar's and to give to the One God what belongs to the One God...the servitude and obedience to love Only Him and to do good to your friend or foe.
But man embraces instead his will...to do what is right in his own eyes, to serve and magnify oneself (XES), to live by a FREEDOM that dictates that it is RIGHT (one’s self defined right) to be free to worship ANY ‘god’.
The return of the One King Jesus Christ is soon, and He will rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One Jehowah Elohim and NOT according to man’s first love for his “freedom”.
John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One King Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator God.
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