“Richard Branson: Boycott Uganda over gay rights” ...FREEDOM FIRST...God second
Mr. Branson said...“... it was not for any government "to ever make any judgements on people's sexuality".”
(ref.: “Richard Branson: Boycott Uganda over gay rights”, 24 December 2013, BBC News)
It is clear what is the first belief of Mr. Branson….freedom to do one’s own will, one’s own rights.
This is the belief, the vision, and confession of President Obama.
He has confessed that it is the “Light”, that it is the will of his "god" as he proclaimed it in Jerusalem.
It is written that locusts will come out of the dark smoke from pit of the abyss.
….and these locusts are a metaphor for the commanders, the leaders of religions, of politics, and of business.
And these “commanders” are doing the will of their leader, they are applying pressure on all those that resist freedom of rights for all.
They are causing them not to be able to buy and sell….unless they submit to and embrace the way of “freedom of self”.
This “freedom of self” is the mark on their foreheads, on their hands.
It is also written that it is Only Christ that will rule, will GOVERN as the One King, the earth according to and in obedience to the Will of the One and Only Creator God...and it is Christ that is judging now, and will judge at His return, not only the “sexuality” of people but also their first love, the freedom to serve and magnify oneself (XES)....the desire to establish “good and evil” in their own eyes.
Christ said to repent, to change from the way of self-rights, for the grace of the One God does forgive.
John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord and King Jesus Christ
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