Wednesday, 4 December 2013

As per John Munro..."we are not free to define marriage"

Mr. Munro,

You said today (Dec.4,2013) that "we are not free to define marriage".

This is TRUE....for this self-proclaimed "freedom" is a "taken" freedom, is an act of defiance, is an error, is a sin, is a work of lawlessness, is disobedience to the Will of the One Yehowah...for which, if not repented of, will be punished by an eternal end of existence which was given by the One God & an existence that could have been eternal.

It is true that we are not free to define marriage - to define what is a RIGHT marriage - for it is Only the One Creator God Who defines what is right and good for His creation and for us according to His Will.

But as you see in the world, man believes that it is right (a RIGHT) to be free to define marriage as per his desires and justification...for this FREEDOM confesses and dictates that each has equality  and freedom of also establish that it is right for men to marry. Man also declares that he has the freedom to worship any 'god" (freedom of religions). Again this is disobedience and sin.

Mr. Munro, as per our recent communications it is clear that you believe in freedom of rights...but today you said that man is not free ( ie does not have the right) to define marriage.

I wonder if any of your listeners paid attention to your statement. But since it came and went very probably was ignored.

Perhaps they did not really hear it because you did not expand on its significance.

Perhaps if you did, they would throw rocks at you for attacking their FIRST LOVE  of freedom of self-rights...even though they say they are 'christians' for their self-interest.

Perhaps you will not because you also confess your belief in "freedom of self-rights".

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of The Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Son of the One Yehowah Elohim


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