Friday, 30 December 2022

Eternal existence in "hell"?...but eternal existence is a GIFT from the 1 God.

The religions of men describe that there is a continued non ending existence in 'hell', in other words an eternal existence in 'hell'.

How is that possible when the 1 God clearly says that eternal existence is a GIFT from Him.

I repeat, that it is a GIFT from Him.

Will the 1 God give the GIFT of eternal existence to unerepentant sinners so that they can continue to exist in a 'hell'?

It is clear that this GIFT...GIFT... of eternal life is given ONLY to those who have repented and who follow and serve His Son Lord Jesus.

So why do people and professing Christians believe in an eternal existence even in a 'hell"?

Perhaps they rather believe the words of the devil who said "you surely will not die" and be able to continue with their worship of "FREEDOM" to do their own will.


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