Friday, 1 June 2018

'Pope' says that "the Lord calls each of us to holiness" FREEDOM.

The 'Pope' says that "the Lord calls each of us to holiness"
The 'Pope' has declared on May 31st that FREEDOM is holiness.
...therefore he is declaring that the Lord calls us to FREEDOM.
But this FREEDOM proclaims it right , a right, and good for each to worship any "god".
But the 1God commanded that you shall NOT worship any other.
Therefore, the 'Pope' must be referring to "another lord".
Does satan believe in this FREEDOM?
Does Lucifer (satan) believe in FREEDOM?
He did say in his heart...
...I will (my will - my right to )... ascend into heaven (to the top)
...I will (my will - my right to)... exalt my throne (ruler ship) above the stars of God
...I will (my will - my right to)... sit also upon the mount of the congregation
...I will (my will - my right to)... ascend above the heights of the clouds (the glory of God)
...I will (my will - my right to)... be like the most be equal to God...and if equal to then also not subject to God’s Will.

AS you can see, he not only believes in FREEDOM but is also the father of serve and magnify oneself.
But in order to claim this FREEDOM, satan had to rebel against and disobey his Lord & Master the 1Creator God. 
God calls this FREEDOM ...disobedience, iniquity, lawlessness, sin.....and this "FREEDOM" is reserved for judgement and to be sealed in the pit.


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