Sunday, 18 July 2021

It is not true that the 1God "gives them a choice"

It is not true that the 1God "gives them a choice".

Did the 1God give the Israelis, in the desert, the choice to worship any gods?

....No, He did not.

Did Lord Jesus teach that his apostles had a "given" choice to worship any other "god"?

...NO, He did not.

If this choice were "given" , then if one were to choose to worship another "god", but there are no other "gods", there would not be any judgement or punishment regarding that choice since it was "given".

It is man that claims to have the given choice / the "FREEDOM" .

Who is the father of this claim of "FREEDOM" of choice?

It is the he asked Eve if she had the "FREEDOM" to take of ANY of the trees.

Eve replied that she had the permission to take of all the trees defined by the 1God to be good...but that she did not have the choice / "FREEDOM" to take of all the trees because there was the 1 tree of knowledge of good and evil which was FORBIDDEN....adding that the judgement and punishment of disobeying the 1God's commandment would result in death.

Satan replied that she (mankind) surely would not die since this tree of "FREEDOM" would make her like "god"....claiming the right to define good and evil for her self desires....and to make one wise in one's own eyes.

Did the 1God give Adam & Eve the choice to disobey Him and take that which was forbidden?

...clearly NOT...since after doing so the 1God punished them and expelled them from the garden and closed off their access to the tree of life.


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