Monday, 27 May 2019

"Pope"Francis welcomes Buddhism worshippers in the name of 'FREEDOM" to serve any gods.

In which spirit does the religious 'roman katholika' "Pope" Francis
WELCOMES these people that believe in their Buddhist religion?
It is clear that it is in the spirit of 'FREEDOM" of religion /
my religion......'FREEDOM' of rights / my rights..
..'FREEDOM' of will / my will.
In the spirit of 'FREEDOM' for each to worship ANY god.
But what did Lord Jesus say? shall worship ONLY the Lord your Creator God and
Him Alone serve in love and obedience.
...that ONLY those that do ( in obedience and love) the Will of
His Father
will  enter His kingdom and heaven.
(otherwise those that do their will are considered to
be doing disobedience,
lawlessness, iniquity even though they say
"Lord, Lord..we "religiously" teach,
prophecy, heal, & cast out demons in your name, )
...that He is the ONLY Way to the Father
...that you shall worship no other gods.....therefore
you do not have 'FREEDOM' to worship any gods.
This 'FREEDOM' that is claimed and justified by man i
s in fact DISOBEDIENCE of the Will of the 1God.

Very soon, Lord Jesus will rule the earth as the 1KING according
ONLY to the Will of His Father..
..therefore 'FREEDOM' no more but ONLY Truth and Good.


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