Sunday, 3 April 2016

Many claim "Christ in you"...but reality "satan in you" for love of FREEDOM.

A popular Christian minister, Charles Stanley, recently gave a radio message in which he spoke about "Christ in you". 

Many Christians believe that they are in Christ & that Christ is in them. I am sure that Mr. Stanley believes this to be true in his life. If "Christ in you" then one would not accept a way of life / a belief that denies the singularity and preeminence of the One Creator Father, as Christ would not accept it either.

Does Christ believe that one has FREEDOM to define & worship any god?
(If the case is 'yes', it is understood that this FREEDOM would need to be given by the authority of the 1 & Only God and that there would be no judgement or condemnation since one is free (without charge or penalty) to worship any other god.)
Obviously the answer is that Christ does not believe in or live by the FREEDOM to worship any other god....since there is no other god ...& if one were to do so it would be against obedience and love for the One Father. 
Therefore, if "Christ in you" then the individual who claims this connection must also reject the way of FREEDOM that justifies the worship of any other god.

However, the reality is that Christians who claim "Christ in them" also embrace the FREEDOM for their rights, for their religious freedom...which is the SAME FREEDOM that proclaims it right for each to define and worship any god.

Conclusion...the deception is in them..."satan in you" as a false image of light in a lamb's appearance but speaking as the dragon, deceiving even the elect for their first love is 'freedom'.


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