T.D. Jakes...In the Name of the Image of FREEDOM...Common Way with the Gay Community
Mr. Jakes, as leader of his ministry and the Potter's church, talks eloquently about the Word of God, but seems to be socially neutral and non committal on the unrighteousness of homosexuality.
He seems to be walking instead the walk of "social correctness"...so as to respect the FREEDOM of rights of those, President Obama, that claim that the homosexual lifestyle is right, a right, in their own eyes.
Mr. Jakes respects this FREEDOM because it is his first love.
He worships the same FREEDOM that the homosexuals do, but in his case it is to be free to do his religion.
This FREEDOM that both worship dictates that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship ANY 'god' as per one's self-justification.
How can Mr. Jake speak against the sin of homosexuality when he himself embraces the sin of freedom to worship any god ( religious liberty).
Once, some people accused the Lord Jesus Christ of being a demon when he cast out a demon. But the Lord Jesus Christ said that satan cannot cast out satan for his house would fall.
...freedom cannot cast out freedom for it would not be freedom.
...freedom cannot cast out freedom for it would not be freedom.
Mr. Jakes worships the same freedom as do the homosexuals.
Mr. Jakes worships the way of satan, which confesses that it is right to embrace the "taken freedom" to justify "good and evil" in one's own eyes, for one's own wisdom and desires.
Mr. Jake is as a virgin whose oil vessel is empty and who is using the name of Christ as a 'lamp' that will soon burn out...for the Lord Jesus Christ will say " I do not know you, workers of lawlessness".
The Lord Jesus Christ said to worship ONLY the One Lord your Creator and Him Alone to SERVE in obedience and love, love for HIM first and foremost and love for, to do GOOD according to the One Truth, to the fellow man.
Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, will return, as a thief in man's eyes, to rule the earth in obedience and power as the ONE KING according to the Will of 'I AM' and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
...and man will weep and clench his teeth in intense anger when his freedom will be no more.
The Lord Jesus Christ said to walk in his steps and to suffer the same.
The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and to serve Only Him, the One True Way.
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