Friday, 6 March 2015

Netanyahu blames the Persians....but it is the One God that punished Israel!

Prime Minister Netanyahu…accused the ancient Persians of wanting to do harm to the Jews.
...correction: the punishment that came upon Israel and Judea was from the One God
...clarification: it was because of Israel’s and Judea’s disobedience  (sins) and unfaithfulness, because of their desire and self-justified / self-claimed right to worship other ‘gods’.
The One Creator used the Babylonian and Persian empires to do His Will.

Israel & Judea were punished by the One Creator God for their rejection of His Way, of His Preeminence, and for their embracement and worship of their self justified 'gods'.

...The One creator caused the Babylonian empire to conquer and scatter Israel and Judea
...However He retained a remnant of the Jews for His purpose
...The One creator caused the first 3 Persian rulers ( as ribs, as supports) to re-establish and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.
...Why? continue the “law” as a conviction of sin and as a continuation till the work of His Son Jesus Christ would establish the new covenant, through Him and Only Him.

And again, the Jews rejected the One Creator by rejecting (and crucifying) , this time, the Son of the One God, Jesus Christ.
...desiring and embracing a self taken freedom ( in reality disobedience) to “rule oneself” , to do what is right in one’s own eyes, to serve and magnify oneself.
….confessing that, instead of Christ, their king and god is Caesar….an image of a “republic”, of self-freedom, of self-rule (of demo-cracy).

And today, Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu embrace their self-claimed rights, embrace the “FREEDOM” ( which is in fact disobedience) to do what is right in their own eyes...and this FREEDOM dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship one’s own god, and therefore ANY god as per one’s own desires….as Cain confessed “am I my brother’s keeper?”

...the same FREEDOM  that all nations and rulers embrace to do what is right in their own eyes.
...the same FREEDOM that justifies one’s own self justified happiness
....the same FREEDOM that President Obama has confessed to be the “light” of man.

But very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of ‘I AM’, of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists, and NOT according to man’s first love for “his self-freedom”, for his desire to serve, justify, and glorify oneself (XES).
...And all of mankind will bow down to Him, and Only Him...and there will no longer be “freedom of rights, of religions” for there is Only One Creator God ...whose identity is defined in His Son the Anointed Jesus.


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