In the name of women's freedom "rights", Obama declares the "outlaw of abortion" as "absurb".
Today, on April 26, 2013, President Obama characterized as "absurd" the initiative to define life as starting at conception and to outlaw abortion and many forms of birth control.
What was his first and only reason for this stand?
.....that this would be "an assault on women's rights."
President Obama believes in "freedom" first for one's rights...and truth and love second if convenient for "freedom".
President Obama has confessed that "freedom is the light" and has declared in Jerusalem that his god's will is "freedom"."Freedom" is professed to be the lamb as of peace, and this image of "freedom" is being worshipped by all.
This is the "mark of liberty" that is on his forehead , and , sadly, on the foreheads of all men and leaders of nations and of "religions".
If it is not freedom of rights for this way is freedom of rights for another's way.
The unborn children are the victims of man's love for self-freedom....through fornication and then abortion.
"Freedom" is the "god of fortresses" that Obama is advancing in the world, as seen in the middle east and other nations.
"Freedom" is the's desire to serve and magnify oneself, one's own interest and ways. And this "freedom" dictates that it is right to be free to worship any god.
BUT it is written that we are to worship the One Lord Creator God, from whom our existence is, and Him Only to serve.....doing His Will in obedience and not our will in disobedience.
Soon, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, He who is Salvation, He who is of God, from God, and with God, will return to rule as the One and Only True King according to the Will of the Father...and not according to the "freedom" will of man, the self-will of satan.
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