Sunday 1 January 2012

Let us make Christ into our image? redefining Christ

Let us make Christ into our image…
…….. Redefining Christ and His message to the righteousness of man.

Christ gave a warning to the apostles of a sign to indicate that His return will be imminent.

Matthew 24:5
Πολλοι γαρ ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου
Many for will come authority over/upon therefore/in this wise name my

Λεγοντες εγω ειμι ο χριστος
Saying I represent/as like the Christ

Και πολλους πλανησουσιν
And greatly/the many mislead

…For many will come therefore, in this way, with authority over / upon my name (identity/character)
…Saying that they represent / replace the Christ
…And their representation and message of Christ will cause to greatly mislead the many.

From the time of Christ, man has been redefining the identity and the message of Christ ...

...The Jews rejected Him, saying that He was not the Son of God. That He and His words were a blasphemy against the God of Moses.

...The Romans labeled Him and His followers as a religious sect of the Hebrew religion.

...The Roman general (catholic) church, under the Roman Empire, redefined Him as a mix of other religions, to be used by the Roman empire to unify and rule its people.

...The Muslims have also redefined the identity and message of Christ, saying that He is not the Son of God, but a prophet who neither died nor was resurrected for our sins and salvation.

...The leader of the Roman general church has also redefined Christ to represent the universal message of reconciliation and common good, of inter faith values, of freedom of religion.

...The leaders of other major “Christian” churches have also, in speaking in His Name, redefined Christ to be a promoter of freedom of religion, whose message also includes inter faith values.

...The leader of the free world has redefined God to be the common god of all faiths, all religions, whose principal message is the belief in universal and common good values, human rights, freedom of rights and religion. Today, this world leader has redefined Christ as one of among other religious figures who represents the righteousness of man.

They all have spoken and speak using the name of Christ, but they do not confess the True Christ, who is the Son (the One who is Of God, From God, and With God…the One who is Like His Father) of the One and Only True Creator God.

Christ has a SPECIFIC identity (name) and He brought a SPECIFIC message about the One True Way of Life, in which He taught that there is Only One Creator God, whom we are to love and only Him, and that He is the Son of this One Creator.

In this ONE SPECIFIC message He also taught…to love your neighbor – to do good , in the righteousness of the One Creator….but not in the self-righteousness of man, which today is advanced as the belief in freedom of rights, human rights, universal and common good values.

It is Christ and Only Him that will return to rule the earth with a rod of iron, according to the righteousness of the One True God.

God said…”let Us make man into Our image.”
Man is saying…let us make God and Christ into man’s image.

However, there is Only One Creator God and One Christ, with a SPECIFIC identity and name.

In Rev 14:6-7, "...another messenger in mid heaven having to announce the everlasting glad tidings...saying with a loud voice "Fear (revere) God (the One God) and give to Him (and Only Him) glory, because has come the time of judgement, and do hommage to Him, He who created the heaven, the earth, sea, and fountains of water."


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