Believing in Christ vs. Confessing His Name
Believing in Christ vs. Confessing His Name Definition of “confess”: to acknowledge, to profess, to disclose, to admit….it is understood that all of these are to be done publicly....and it also implies a stand against something else.
Many “Christians” claim to believe in Christ and that they have a personal relationship with Him.
But very few, if any, publicly confess His Name as being the One and Only Way to the One and Only Creator God. is also clear that there are serious consequences when confessing His Name up against man's belief/way of life.
The following scriptures show the significance of confessing His name.
John 9:22,…These things said the parents (of their blind son that was healed)… “he is of age, him ask, concerning himself shall he speak”…because they feared the Jews, for already had agreed together the Jews that if anyone should confess Christ , that he should be put out of the synagogue.
John 12:42-43,…although indeed even among the rulers many believed on Christ, but on account of the Pharisees they confessed not, that not put out of the synagogue they might be, for they loved the glory of men more than the glory of God.
…very few, if any, publicly acknowledge that there is Only One True God and that Christ is the Only Way.
…very few, if any, live by the belief that Christ is above all, not as a religion, but as way of life.
…Many, however, live by and acknowledge the belief that says that Christ is a “religion of one’s personal choice of faith”.
…Many have embraced a belief/ way of life (i.e. freedom of religion) that says that Christ is equal in validity as other “gods”.
…Many confess their first allegiance to the core belief in freedom of rights and freedom of religion, to the glory of men, to the desire to serve, live by, and defend one’s own self-interests.
Christ stood and confessed publicly the One Truth and the One and Only Father. He was beaten for it and killed for it. He was also resurrected for it. He will also return to rule the earth because of it.
Christ will confess us if we confess Him, as He clearly states in the following words:
Rev 3:5,…he that overcomes, he shall be clothed in garments white, and in no wise will I blot out name his from the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father and before His angels.
Luke 12:8-9, but I say to you, every one whoever may confess me (Christ) before men, also the Son of man will confess him before the angels of God; but he that has denied me before men will be denied before the angels of God…
Christ tells the “Philadelphian disciples” that a door to the kingdom is open to them because there are some that have power…that they have kept His word (His teaching), that they did not deny His name (they confessed His name), and that they kept the word of His endurance. Because of this, he tells them that they will not be included in the trial/punishment/judgment on man (including the hypocrite “Christians”).
….they will not be part of the trial because they will have confessed His name and will have died standing for the Truth…..they will be part of the first resurrection.
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